Saturday, January 31, 2009
How does it know!?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Small things entertain us up here in the high country.....
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful the rain has stopped...............
I'm thankful that the parental units will be moving into the"lodge" next week..............
I'm thankful the male child decided to return to college...............
I'm thankful for all the small blessing the Lord sends my way each day...........
I'm thankful my return to work has been delayed by the state.....and that the job did not get cut from the budget........
I'm thankful for my new life here in the Blue Ridge and that God had the steering wheel the day we found this property.......
I know that's only seven....but, City Boy's off today and it's time for the "Errands" to begin......he loves to shop!!!!
Stay safe and warm out there.....................
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another Quilt Day!
I had a stash of 12x12inch blocks ...left over from years of BOM clubs at my home shop in goal this year is to use them up.........
This is my latest project......they are Thimbleberry traditional fabrics and i'm using the Divide & Conquer.... quilt as you go method by Nancy Smith & Lynda this technique....takes me a little longer to finish....but, i don't have to fight the fabric and machine quilting a full-bed size or queen size.......haven't tackled that king size yet!!!
I'm naming this quilt "Mom's Traditions" mom is a down home traditional person and this is just right for her new Greatroom......
Stay safe and warm out there.........................................
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Todays View
Today is going to be a quilting day.......
If you have to be out today....stay safe and warm.......................
Monday, January 26, 2009
What's with Mondays??
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Heat Is On!!!
And.........the heat is on.......temp in the house was 33* at hook up and within 4 hours it was up to 60*.........who invented insulation?........i'd like to give them a big hug!!!
There's City Boy (in the blue coat).....he went out to tell the power guys that our generator had " kicked on" when they cut the power.........first time in two years it's kicked-on for real.....that was $8000.00 well spent!! I can't complain about the cost....after 14 days without power when hurricane Frances barreled thru...11 days with Jeanne and 9 days with Wilma.....never again will we be without....i need to flush toilets!!! It's an OCD thing.........
Well....this next's a small cottage down the mountain from us......they have a small pond which over flows thru the pipe into a creek.......the first thought i had when i saw the frozen over flow was......."HOUSTON....WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM HERE!"
Sometimes......i think my brain is strange..................and i've got to stop thinking in song lyrics and movie phrases.......Have a Great Sunday!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Found The Snowman
As most of you know ..we have two dogs....Mia, the perfect mountain diva and Max, who can be summed-up in one word....he's a "BOY" .......
Well...Max is a pretty good little boy, until it comes to sharing new toys.........he steals from her...he hides....he chews up.....he destroys........
Several days of nice ladies that works with City Boy sent Max and Mia, snowmen toys a belated Christmas gift........After about 15 minutes of know ....throwing them up in the air...running thru the house, etc.......the stealing began!!!
I caught him this time.......and gave it back to Mia......all was well......

Same View.......Different Day!
This is today at 7:30 AM...........where's the sunshine?.....Are those rain clouds hanging on the horizon?
Quick flip to the Weather Bug.......yep!
Rain....maybe a "winter mix?" later in the day........whoa......yesterday was in the 50's in the 30's!!!
Don't ya just love Mother Nature's sense of humor????
Friday, January 23, 2009
Only Because I Promised...............
First because he brought home "another bargain"....a box of tomatoes and cucumbers....
Second because he got pictures of me canning the bargains..................
Now....i don't consider myself as a photogenic person and prefer to be taking the pictures not "IN " the pictures.....but, he made me promise to put them on the blog......................
So ....... here's me.......little round face......granny-reading glasses....short straight hair.......stained t-shirt.....double chin......canning "stuff" all around me.......Thank the Good can't really see the bottom's not pleasant and seems to be spreading like a bad i just cover that portion with jeans and call it a day.........
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy.......this bargain yielded 7 quarts of tomatoes and 5 pints of pickles......maybe someday we'll actually eat them............
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Sound of Silence
It was the kind of silence you feel when reading a Stephen King novel....the kind that you hear when you get up in the very early AM and head for the bathroom......The kind of silence that you hear in a museum ......the kind when you expect someone with a chain saw to be climbing your stairs....i could hear the refrigerator running!......What gives?......City Boy is at work and the male child is in class.......but, still there are other breathing creatures in the house...
Now....if you know my family know this is ....maybe.....a twice in a life time thing.....sooooo ....i went in search of the source of the silence and found a true "Kodak Moment".......Miss Kitty, Max and Mia.....napping at the same time, on the same bed.........awwwwwwww!
At least the bed is made!!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Bright New Day?!
According to the morning news....."it's a bright new day" it a new day for you?
In our mountain cabin here are a few of the things we're hoping will brighten up a little......
1. Could we see just a small amount of sunshine on the current economy
2. Gas prices.......could we keep them under $2.00 a gallon.....please...
3. Could we shed some light on the wars.......maybe burn some midnight oil and get us out'a there......Bring our men and women home.
4. Could we open the curtains on education........let the sunshine in......start at Pre-K!!! Teach our kids that education will "light" the way.....and that education is a privilege to a burden....yesterday, a young man in Kenya , living in a mud hut, who wanted to be a lawyer brought me to tears.... when i realize that so many of our young think that the free education they can obtain in this country is not necessary........sorry that soapbox just slipped in..........
5. That the "light bulb of wisdom" is turned on for the leaders and the American of God and country.....respect for each other.....helping each other becomes the "norm"...
Well......i didn't intend for this entry to become serious or political.......but....the Sun is shining brightly on our mountain top at the moment and i'm praying it continues.........
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Another Use'ta
OH THE GUILT!!!!! my former life if i had spent 2 whole days sitting on the couch doing nothing except flipping thru the satellite channels and knitting....the guilt would have eaten me up in one big bite.......
But, the new mountain me.......nawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!
This new me....... sat my slightly over sized rear section on the sofa and knitted stocking caps.......which i donate to the local women/children's shelter...........not one bit of guilt did i feel as i watched reruns of Law & Order or Two and A Half Men... or Oprah and Ellen.......I watched HGTV....I watched 10 minutes of some SOAP...(yikes)...those people have more than 24 hours in a day....and oh the shame!........about 30 minutes of Jerry Springer!!!!
Then today "The Inauguration"...whether you voted for the new president or's hard not to watch history in the making! I even waited patiently for the first glimpse of the new First Ladies outfit.......
But....mostly i watched the birds at the feeder and the's been two days of peace and quite, plus 12 completed hats and i refuse to feel guilty!!
Deal with that ....little voice in my head!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Watch the Birdie!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Burrowing In
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Warning.......Cold Dog!!!

No way am i going out there again..........
it was below zero when daddy made us go out at 5:30am.......
I'm a spoiled, pampered chi-wiener....a one of a kind neighborhood terrier.......
i deserve better..................i'm not coming out until the temp is at least 32*.......
what's gonn'a happen if i lick the metal fence post or freeze with my leg up......
Wake me when it warms up.....until then.......
NoWay ..........Jose........
You can make me.....!!!!!!!"
Friday, January 16, 2009
View From the Back Porch
I've done many...many blogs about "The View From The Front Porch"
Well......this is the view from the back........The new home (should be moving in soon) of my parental units.....We call it the Red Roof Lodge! It's hugh.......where was this when i was a kid?...............anyway.........................
When we were in the planning stage of moving to NC...we laughed and joked about creating a "family compound!"
Little did i know...........................!!!
City Boy and I came first......then this pass January - here come Mom and Dad.......then in April, up came the male child and hopefully some time this brother will make the big move...that just leaves the female child and her family in Atlanta.....hey!! it's within a days driving distance....
OMG....i'm soooo glad we bought 12 acres....seems like we've got a compound underway.......
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Why Not!?
Why does the chicken have on the knitted cap? answer...."Why Not!"
He went to TN and i went back for another 3 hours sleep..............
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Too Bright?!
He looked at me with one of those cross-eyed, "Duh!"looks and said..........."Well of course they're brighter.....we're closer to'm!"
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......the wisdom of youth!!!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Going to Town.......

Monday, January 12, 2009
What!!!!.....i'm still me ......and then i looked in the mirror..........................Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
There i stood....... in a flowered (red and blue) t-shirt, legging jeans(a size too big), brown socks with black dogs on'm, green plaid flannel shirt(a size too small) and fleece lined clogs.....and the hair....let's not even go there!........This is not what i use'ta be........
I use'ta dress for success even at home......had a closet full of professional slacks, skirts, blouses, dresses and i wear JEANS and t-shirts......long sleeve, short sleeves, no sleeves......and fleece is my friend!! Birkenstocks are wonderful..............
I use'ta wear make-up even going to the grocery, mascara and lip gloss were a MUST!!......................Now it's soap and water, with a little chap stick.........................
Use'ta be my hair was colored and cut at least once a month....sometimes more......always moused or gelled and sprayed with hurricane strength hair never's blow and go and a bottle of spray last about six months....
I use'ta have Boston Market and Meals to Go on speed it's fresh and healthy food.... sauteed, bake or grilled in olive oil, i grow my own i make applesauce and pickles from scratch..
I used handled a multi-million dollar budget on a daily basis....i could tell you the balances on a ledger sheets in the blink of an i "might" balance the checkbook and i "might"not......
I use'ta rush around like the " know the rest"...and live my life with a "Day-Timer" on my person at all times.....i rushed from meetings, to workships, to my office........i never seemed to have time for the things i wanted to i have to think about what day it is.........
But........i realize this is the new "mountain" me................i like the new me..............i like working for the state parks, with nature all around me's quite.......I like cooking and making good stuff for my family.......i like having the time to quilt.......i even like bad hair days and "Yuckville"..........
So ...... i hung my Valentines quilt ...then sat in all my mismatched glory and watched football....
Get use'ta it kid..........................
Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's cold with icy rain.....again!!! Possible snow flurries tonight and tomorrow....yuck!
Panthers and Cardinals.....yuck!
Tennessee and Baltimore.......yuck!
Max and i are having bad hair days.....yuck!
It's Sunday.....i love Sundays's the Lord's Day....but. i've got to do some laundry...yuck!
Maybe, I'll just go back to bed and start over........ever have one of these kind'a days?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Much Better
Beats FL's 80', with the asthma it's so much easier to breathe...another entry ...another day!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Good Morning!!!
Be safe out there...Mother Nature seems to be in a bad mood............................
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My BFF since elementary school is 3 months post-op Gastric By-Pass surgery....she is doing great and is enjoying her new life and's the catch.....she can no longer drive due to other physical ailments............we won't go there.........OK:}
Soooooo........She looking for other post-op GBP people to compare notes and form a blog or e-mail support group...............if you are one or know of anyone....her blog site is not up and running please drop me a comment and i will forward them on to her........
My hubby is 3.5 years post-op and he had a super support group in FL that he could attend meetings groups make a HUGH difference.....!!
Thanks to all of you out there in "Bloggerland"..........................LindaMay, brboomer
PS....that's Mia watching for your comments!!! Such a good watch dog....................
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
They're OK
Did some more checking on those web-sites and suggestions sent my way........and discovered where I went wrong (cut'm to thin) maybe the next batch will be more like the package variety!!
Max doing his "a tomato drying in the sun" act..........looks like he's starting to shrink....what'a think?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Newest Idea
Thos' started the big debate......are sun dried tomatoes, really sun dried?!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Thanks BFF!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Every Year!!??
Friday, January 2, 2009
Contract Renewal

Well....he does like to work at the food store and he does bring home all those "bargins?" that no one else wants.....but, keeps us in fresh produce and ground chicken.......

He does do the yard work......and when you live on 6 acreas......that can be a hand full......and even in the snow he goes out to feed the deer.........

He's becoming very helpful in the kitchen......and since the gastric-by-pass ...he's become an authority on nutrition....he can tell you alllllllll you will ever need to know about protiens, carbs or sugars.......and this year he's coached several GBP patients via phone and e-mail