Lost!!........the remaining pictures of my "quilt as you go "project.....UGH!!
They must have been erased from the camera before i could upload them to the computer.......Double ugh!!!!
Anyway ....here is the finished quilt.........if you have your panels made.....to finish the quilt, cut connecting strips to same length as you panel ...? x 1.25 inches....then you zig-zag your panels together using the same method as you used to put the blocks together and finish the longer connecting strips in the same way........simple....huh!??
If you are using ...LARGE blocks ...... i have found that it is easier to start your zig-zag stitches in the middle of the two panels you are connecting ....then flip it around and zig-zag the other half......for some reason it's easier to line-up the smaller connecting strips and the fabric doesn't "slip" as much..........
Then you can add borders or just add the binding and finish as usual.......i just put binding on this one ...cause i wanted to keep it small

I'll post some pictures of the next project ....if someone (city boy) doesn't mess with my camera!
Found........yesterday City Boy and i drove thru a snow storm over the mountains to the VA Hospital in Johnson City, TN.....that was fun!!!
He had several lumps ......one on his shoulder, one on his back and one on his cheek/jawline....under his ear.......Well...the shoulder and back turned out to be cyst and can easily be removed....
But.....found the other is a lypomia (sp) laying on the facial nerve for the left side of his face.......now we are off to make appointments with an ENT surgeon....seems that if the tumor is "involved" with the nerve.... removing it could cause the left side of City Boys face to "droop".........my mind is picturing.....jowls like a bloodhound or basset...with a gray beard.....
Good news .....it's not cancer.....it doesn't hurt...it's not getting bigger and doesn't bother him in anyway......so we've got some time to decide on a course of action.................
Can't shake that droopy jowl image from my mind.......... :>/