Can you tell by the picture...??
Here's waht happened...
7:00 - 9:30 AM
Slept late....ahhhhh
Had coffee and breakfast
Harnessed up and loaded the dogs in the car...
Typical mayhem in the car with the dogs while traveling to the Vet...
So Far So Good...
9:30 - 11:30 AM
Bring dogs back home....cause ...well, just cause...
Leave again .... back to town to Wal Mart
Checked out the prices on OTC glucose meters, testing strips and bought a lint brush/roller...
Back home put "dress" clothes in washer..... haven't worn them in so long, there was a layer of dust that needed to be removed...
11:30 - 12:30 AM/PM
Make lunch....turkey wrap and salsa chips....yummmmmy
Throw clothes in dryer
Take dogs out...read book while they are running around and digging...
12:30 - 1:45 PM
Iron clothes and graduation gown...
Why do "dress clothes" always needed ironing...??
1:45 - 2:30 PM
CityBoy..."Why is Mia's face all swollen"
Her head looks like a softball...
Rush back to the Vet
Allergic reaction to yearly shot or something bite her
(can't find any bite marks)
Two more shots and a stop at CVS for children's benadryl (sp)..
Pass MaleChild on the way back up the mountain...
2:30 - 3:45 PM
Watch Mia
Take another shower ...cause i smell like "dog"
Female Parental Unit called......your dad's not going....he's not feeling well...but, i'm ready anytime.
Thanks Mom...
I'm standing here wet...naked...with out my glasses....
CityBoy watching Mia
3:45 - 5:15 PM
Dress...do hair....make-up(?)
Decide if CityBoy is going or staying home with Mia....
Pick up Mom
Drive down mountain for Graduation Ceremony
Arrive ...find a place to park.....way up the hill
Good......they've got a shuttle service....
5:15 - 6:00 PM
Wait for ceremony to begin...
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Camera craps out on me.....ugh....
Why didn't i bring the Nikon....??
Hug my MaleChild
We'll meet you for dinner
Last look back...
He's got a girl on each side and is hamming it up for the cameras....
7:00 - 11:00 PM
Drive back up the mountain
Meet MaleChild at his favorite steak/seafood house..
Had grilled salmon....good girl
Baked potato with the works...bad girl
Make it home....dodging two deer on the way....
Drop off Mom
Mia's face is still swollen a little....give her more meds in her ice cream....
Missed NCIS....ugh
NCIS LA is on.....what happened to Heddie..??
The Good Wife
the old "bloody glove" trick...
Peter's the hero...
No.....NO.... Alicia.....don't go in the hotel room with Will.....!!
She did...
Life is Good (?)