(picture - March 15, 2010)
Sorry about yesterday....
But...for the last two days i have been speechless....stunned....wordless...writerless...
You see...
I we got the explanation of benefits for my hospital bill on Tuesday afternoon...
I was in the hospital for approx. 26 hours and had my female organs removed...
Does this seem a little high ($$) to you...?
Here's the good part....
My insurance is paying nothing...
Zero.....Nada....$0.00.....Nope not a thing...
The hospital has me billed as an out-patient..
Which to the insurance company means observation patient only....
Observation....??!!....i had my guts ripped out...!!
Today the phone calls begin...
To the hospital.....to the doctor(which is paid in full by the way)
To change my patient status from out to in....
In hopes that the powers that be at the insurance company will pay
If not....
To quote CityBoy....."we'll pay'um $50 bucks a month until you die..."
Great thought....isn't it...!!
On a brighter note.....the income tax return came !!
Live in the Moment