Friday, May 29, 2015

Look What I Found....

Outside my office door...

..Go For Your Dreams..

Thursday, May 28, 2015

the Fringe Trees....

..are in full bloom...
the air is full of pollen...!!

..Go For Your Dreams..

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Is this why they call them the "Smokey Mountains...? "
Got some low hanging clouds this morning....
must be a sign of the rains coming..!

..Go For Your Dreams"

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


It's common knowledge that I like chickens...
I don't have the live kind.....we don't eat enough eggs to justify the cost..
But I have chickens or a chicken in every room of the house...
For Mother's Day CityBoy decided I needed chickens for the yard...
Here's the backyard Rooster...
It took me almost two weeks to figure out where I wanted Roo to spend his days...
Do we go with the front porch or the downstairs patio...?
Nope...can't really see him from there...
Does he go in the front yard with the bird feeder and flag pole...
Nope .....can't really be seen from there either...
Ahhhhh  Haaaaaa......!!! the rock pile...
We can see him.....Mom & Dad can see him....
You can even see him from the road....
and Lula's made friends with him....!!
Perfect place...
..Go For Your Dreams..

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


My little friends are back..!!

..Go For Your Dreams..

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ever Wonder....

why "real" Christmas trees cost so much?
It's because.....
everything is done by manual labor...
From planting seedlings to mature tree harvest...
In the eight years we've lived in the high country,
I've seen them fertilize using a helicopter just once...!!

..Go for Your Dreams..

Monday, May 18, 2015

Friday's Bud

became Saturday's bloom...

..Go For Your Dreams..

Friday, May 15, 2015

Spring or ....

the weather is so crazy up here I'm not sure anymore....

..Go For Your Dreams..

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throw Back.....

This time of the year in 2013 we had soooo much rain the high country was under a flash flood watch and the park had waterfalls....
Yesterday the MaleChild  registered for his education classes...this starts his journey toward his Master's.
When he finally finishes (key word finish) he'll have a degree in Psychology, Education and a master's in Special Ed.   I hope he can find a job....he'll have all the letters behind his name...!! 

..Go For Your Dreams..

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Walk in the Clouds.....

How 'bout working above the clouds...?
Took this pic out the back door of the office one day last week...
Clouds were down below us covering the valley....

I love my Job...!

..Go For Your Dreams..

Monday, May 11, 2015

Big Hair Era

Yesterday my daughter surprised me by posting this picture on Facebook...
This was my grandparents 50th Anniversary!
The FemaleChild was 6 months old....that's her on the right in my mom's arms and that's me on the left...this was taken in the fall of 1979....and Yep!!...she's as bald as a billiard....
I'll never see that weight or hair again..
....where did the time go?

..Go For Your Dreams..

Friday, May 8, 2015

All are Healthy, Wealthy and Wise...

The Vet visit went great...
After the Vet and all the girls stopped kissing the pups,
they were all pronounced AOK..

They are: Healthy - puppy shots and dewormer given.
Wealthy - little freeloader are costing us big $$$ in feed.
Wise - they've got us wrapped around their little paws.

Three go to their "forever homes" today....
I'm gonna miss'um

..Go For Your Dreams..

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Puppy Watch.....

I'm not sure if Misskitty thinks the puppies are rabbits or large mice..
She's keeping a close watch on the little booggers....

..Go For Your Dreams..

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


This strange wood pile condo is just not what I'm looking for in a new home...
the neighbors are red with long furry tails....
Maybe the next one will be better...

..Go For Your Dreams..

Monday, May 4, 2015

Stocking up.....

Here we are barely into Spring and the park is already stocking up for this coming winter....
We're building a new overlook and many....many....trees needed to be cleared...
The chunks of woods will sit here to "season" and then they will be cut into smaller pieces that will fit into the wood stove...
Nothing goes to waste up here in the high country...!!

The pups make their first visit to see the cute vet today...
three have already found their "forever homes"...
they will be leaving this weekend....

..Go For Your Dreams..

Friday, May 1, 2015

We're Back.....

Safe and Sound...

Well maybe...
Ya gotta count the over worked brain cells...
the loaner laptop, new Netgear boxes, and repaired hard drives that came home with us...
Hope these take care of the computer problem at the park...

It's was a fast and furious 2.5 days...

..Go For Your Dreams..