I'm not a big fan of social media....
I don't tweet, instantgram, text or any of that stuff...I do have a Facebook site, just for keeping up with the kids and grand kids...now that written let me tell you about Buddy...
Tuesday, July 5th, I heard kids in the neighborhood calling for "Buddy"...
and thought to myself poor kids they've lost their dog...
Buddy showed up at our house on Thursday...very timid, would not come to us...
we saw him several times on Friday...same thing, he would run away...
On Saturday we saw him trying to get to Lula's food bowl....so i grabbed a dish, some wet food and went out to feed him....he was still timid and on a hunch i called out..."Buddy"....he immediately stopped and turned to look at me....could this be "the" Buddy?....
We got a picture about 4:30 in the afternoon....CityBoy and i both posted the picture on Facebook and the word spread at an alarming rate about a lost Chihuahua....
By 9:00pm Buddy was safe in the arms of his Mommy and Daddy, they were camping down by the river and Buddy had run off due to the fireworks they had Monday night...
Buddy was one happy little camper and I finally found a use for Facebook other than spying on my kids....!!