Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Good News

CityBoy's headaches seemed to be caused by the "STRESS" of being retired!!!

Who Knew!!??

WE're gonna try some muscle relaxers and more exercise.
I'll keep you posted.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Catching Up.....

the month of January and half of February has slipped by me.
It's beem a farly quite period of time around the Twelve Acre Wood.

The MaleChild made it home for Christmas but left early due to a nasty cold.
The FemaleChild was on call Christmas and delivered 4 babies.
We lost Misskitty on January 9th...she was 15 yeas old and illness was slowly taking her. She's at peace now and swatting all those dogs over the Rainbow Bridge.
CityBoy has developed serve headaches, he got new glasses which have helped some and next week we go to a Neurologist for more testing.
The Parental Units are doing well.
and I'm hanging in there.

Happy 2020 to ya'll...!!