Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Bright New Day?!

According to the morning news....."it's a bright new day" it a new day for you?

In our mountain cabin here are a few of the things we're hoping will brighten up a little......

1. Could we see just a small amount of sunshine on the current economy

2. Gas prices.......could we keep them under $2.00 a gallon.....please...

3. Could we shed some light on the wars.......maybe burn some midnight oil and get us out'a there......Bring our men and women home.

4. Could we open the curtains on education........let the sunshine in......start at Pre-K!!! Teach our kids that education will "light" the way.....and that education is a privilege to a burden....yesterday, a young man in Kenya , living in a mud hut, who wanted to be a lawyer brought me to tears.... when i realize that so many of our young think that the free education they can obtain in this country is not necessary........sorry that soapbox just slipped in..........

5. That the "light bulb of wisdom" is turned on for the leaders and the American of God and country.....respect for each other.....helping each other becomes the "norm"...

Well......i didn't intend for this entry to become serious or political.......but....the Sun is shining brightly on our mountain top at the moment and i'm praying it continues.........
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