Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
TGIF...... up here in the high country....
Weather was was all talking to each other.....job was.....well......there....
The season is slowing down for the year....only one more month before i'm off for the winter.....
I've been storing quilt kits and fabric like a frantic squirrel and praying i have enough to last me thru the winter...
Also, storing up on PB&J, bread, t-paper, canned and frozen foods......but...fabric...........ahhh......FABRIC.....can't get enough!!
In a side note about yesterdays was just a "what if" conversation.......none of us even buy lottery tickets.......well.......once in a great while......if it gets over $200 million!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thankful Thursday.....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time Flys......
Monday, October 26, 2009
Failed Attempt......

Several weeks ago the male child and i had this wonderful idea to make candied apples with the skin removed.......sound good?
He peeled......i cooked the candy sauce......he dropped bits of the candy sauce into water, checking to make sure we had it "just" right......i held the pot.....he dipped.....
What we didn't count on was the "juice"!!
When hot candy is placed on naked apples.......the juice inside rushes to the surface...
And what your left with is cold, skinless apples .... sitting in a diluted cinnamon flavored bath!'s where we failed!!!....
We threw them away......we should have cut them up....placed them in the dehydrator and made dried candy apple slices.......
The shame.....our creativity had taken a nose-dive......
Maybe next time.....
And ohhhh yah.......there will be a next time!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Wind.......
Friday, October 23, 2009

Cruising thru Bloggerville this past week.....i ran across many blogs that post a Friday SkyWatch...
The most beautiful pictures of clouds, sunrises, sunsets or just clear blue skys.......
Sooooooo........since we've just had a ho-hum week here in the little cabin in the high country.....i'm posting a not so ho-hum picture of the sky from the front porch......
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I'm sure the male child can pass his magic hands over the keyboard and it will work once 6:15 this AM...i just could not wake's the Mommy in me!
Anyhoooooo.......Thanks Ranger Tracy for today's picture....and the use of the parks computer.....the write my daily dribble!
Up date on long -arm machine.......
inspectors came yesterday to have a look at the house....all paper work is in......just waiting on refinance check........hurry!!!.....hurry!!!......i'm having a hard time waiting!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wordless Wednesday.........
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ohhhhh....Help Me Rhonda!!!

Don't ya just loooovveee cyber-banking!!!
Our new payroll system insist that we all have direct deposit.......i have no problem with this have been doing it for years.......
Then tell me why....yesterday i received a paper check in the US mail???!!!
This was suppose to be in the bank Friday.......!!
I've paid the remaining credit card bills....the phone bill.....the propane bill....bought groceries......had my hair done........all of which i paid either on-line or hand delivered a check over the weekend.....
Now i find out there is NO money in the bank didn't direct deposit, the deposit....which you insisted was the ONLY system!!!
I'll be at the bank at 9AM with savings book in hand try and stop the national debit of bank fees...that are probably stacking up as i write this......
Then like Max i just may pass out....
I looovvvee cyber-banking!!.......:(
Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mom...where it it....??!!

....the weather guru said ..."Snow".....Mom....where is it? You know how much we love to play in...."Snow!"
Welll........guys we had a few little flurries, but.....nothing stuck and the wind picked up and melted what little hit the ground........ahhhhh .... sorry......
Mia and Max were, too.....
Saturday, October 17, 2009
It's on the way................
....this is what my neck of the woods looks like this AM......
However ...there is more fog and nastiness than snow at this point.......soooo.....Mom and i are venturing out to the library, hair appointments and of course......the weekly visit to the Wal-Marts......
City Boy just got a call from the VFW and he's going to a funeral, to support a veteran that has no family in the area ......
Looks like the whole family will be pulling on the long johns today......
Friday, October 16, 2009

A little history....i usually download my daily picture before i leave for work and then add the text after i get to which ever park i'm scheduled to work at that day.......Got it??....OK....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fall'n Fast...............
The roads are covered and......believe it or not.....wet leaves can be as slippery as ice!
Fish-tailed out of the park office driveway yesterday......not a fun thing when your on the side of a mountain.......
Be careful.......enjoy the remaining days of's fading fast!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Say it ain't sooo......
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Poor little wind chime.....:(
According to the local weather guru...Ray's Weather....we should be getting a little of this cold white stuff late Saturday night......!!
It will probably melt before it hits the ground....but....the higher elevations are on alert!!
Well....... Rain, Sleet or Snow.....i guess it's time to find the long underwear.....
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday's Loot.......
Whoa Baby!! Come to Mama!!
You're going home with longer will you live in a cold, dark, church basement.......
I'm putting you in my child size rocking chair.....with your own baby quilt to snuggle....and maybe a little stuffed bunny to keep you company.....
Mama loves you!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Is this Peak....??
Driving around the country-side yesterday......i snapped a few pictures of the fall this peak?.....Don't think so.....still a lot of green out there....
This is the view from the ridge above our houses.....the red and green roofs center of the pix is us!!.....that's our view....Phillips Gap!!
Little retirement farm around the corner, down the mountain and pass the second curve.....they raise hay......hay for feed.....not the other kind!!
Wellllllll......maybe the other kind.....don't really know them ....! We just wave!
Anyway........there is still lots of green leaves out i think we have a couple more weeks to enjoy the beautiful fall color!!
Enjoy Sunday
Saturday, October 10, 2009
They're back................!!
Yep!....those alien straw people are back!!
This is the one that appeared in my front yard several days ago.....
I'm referring to him as the "Wal-Mountain Greeter"
Get it.......??....heh....heh.....heh
Then the rest of the "Wal-Mountain Crowd" seems to be having a grand ole time on Mom's front porch.........wonder if she's serving cookies and cider??
Today is Fall Festival Day....there must be one hundred and forty-two of the little suckers going on today.....just kidding about the 142.....but....there are quite a few......
Friend Chris, Mom and i are going the make a hit-and-run at as many as we can , before it rains or is time for Mom's hair appointment.....
Which ever comes first!!
"Shop till ya drop!" the battle cry for the day!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
What is it.........
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Welcome Home.......
....We've looked....then researched....then wanted ...... you for months!!
Finally ...... yesterday......the big brown truck arrived and there you were!!
In the words of Carrie Bradshaw...from Sex in the City....."Hello Lover!!"
Can't wait to name you and use you!!
Bring on those bargain boxes CityBoy!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Either i'm getting slower or the humans are getting faster with the camera.....
This is the large driveway drain that i like to hide den is over in the tall weeds to the west......i think they got this picture the day they had "the land cleared" and passed over my home with THAT machine!!
The humans are trying to find something that i like to far the cucumbers have been the best.....followed by the spaghetti squash......but.........don't tell them..i want to keep'um guessing!
Ooooppps! came the beagles.......gott'a go!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Not much better......
Yep!!'s forecast is not much better than yesterday.......still overcast.....damp......dismal......cold.....
however......there seems to be more color on the trees.......
Today is pumpkins and straw bales day.......
Mom and i are gonn'a load up at the feed store and then the "Pumpkin Lady's"......she sells them in her front yard .....on the honor system........just put your money in the box nailed to the tree.......only in northwest NC....could not do that in FL!!!'d come home and find the tree missing.....!
Then it's rush home to decorate the front yards.......out come the scarecrows.......the gourds........the flowers.......the ribbons.......the black cats........
Gosh..... i hope the wind doesn't blow them away this year!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009

A view of last nights moon.....'s Monday favorite(?) day of the week....!?
This one is over-cast, damp and dismal.......a good day for staying home and reading that new Patricia Cromwell novel......
However.....City Boy is also home today and has a list of errands....including the Wal Marts.......feed store.......finding a pressure cooker.....etc.....etc......
Maybe i can read between stores and dodging the raindrops........
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
A little......
Here's the back.....always show the back......i really like the little flying ghost and grinning pumpkins ....... and yep!......i used the quilt as you go method...
Hope your day is bright and sunny.....ours is cloudy, dismal, cool....with a cold front on the way......and i'm back at work!!
Gonn'a be a fun day.....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A different view.......
...well......this is obviously a "Opppps" picture!
But for some reason it speaks to me....maybe it's the wood grain or the play of sunshine on the wood or the nail holes........whatever..... had to share........ are a few things i haven't told you this week.....
#1......i've been home the last three days with a rip-roaring sinus infection.....feeling somewhat better and if the dizzies stop, i'll go back to work tomorrow.....dizziness and mountain roads just don't mix well......
#2.....We have refinanced the a great deal.....more than a percentage point less and enough money to buy that long-arm machine.........more on that when we buy and receive couple of months......having a hard time waiting!!!
#3......Today City Boy and i have been married 33 years..........when i look back.....all i can say is....."Time flys when your having fun!"......And "fun" it's been every crazy minute of it!
Time to take some more Rx's........and eat....for some reason....when i'm not feeling well i forget to eat!!