Another Thanksgiving has come and gone...
Couldn't stop the memories of the entire family gathering at Granny's house for the turkey meal....sometimes there would be 20-30 of us and we would eat in shifts...
Now we're so scattered there was just the five of us....

After dinner and football....after the parental units had ventured back up the hill....
Mom called to announce that my brother is getting married....
I really thought he would remain a bachelor for life....but....after 13 years with the same woman....
they decided it was time....Hummmmmm....
Talked to the female child......she had stayed home 'cause she was on-call for the hospital...she was making her midnight run list and waiting for the boys to get home with her turkey dinner....

The Male Child will soon be moving to Boone and starting his last two years at ASU....

MissKitty is sure i'll screw-up and forget what she wants for Christmas...
(can you buy World Peace...?......is it a new cat toy or a video game...?)

Mia doesn't want to be bothered.....buy her anything.....as long as she can eat it or tear it apart...

Max has been reading all the sale adds and now has crossed eyes and a headache...
If your shopping today.....enjoy it.....you won't see me there....!!
I love Cyber-space shopping...!!
The big Brown truck beings it right to my door....!!
Life is Good