Sunday, November 20, 2011

Not Our Night.....

...See this lovely cloud cover...??
That's what last night's sky looked like....
Not a star or planet to be seen....

The telescope wizards did hone in on Jupiter...
the little devil kept jumping in and out of the covering clouds...
we got a good look on the monitors in the control room..
we left the telescope looking to the troop of Girl Scouts that "excited" doesn't begin to describe..
We'll try again next month..

If the weather allows us to get there...

Dark Sky Observatory

Is really in the middle of "No Where" or was it Oz....?
I'm really not sure ..... the MaleChild was driving....

Life is Good


  1. Too bad you had so much cloud cover I love looking at the stars and would have enjoyed that too. Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one

  2. Sorry about the cloud cover but it had a beauty all it's own too.

  3. AW shucks, bummer. Yeah, maybe nest time, it cannot happen two times in a row!!! It is against the law.

    Driving around again, I found I lied about the Christmas tree tent, it is on Indiantown road. I knew that was important. hahaha

    Love from your old home town!(or close)

  4. Awww, maybe next time. A host of security lights keep the night sky around me a mystery. Sigh.
