Over the last few weeks...
I've been reading about all of you out there in Bloggerville...
that has been having trouble with posting your daily entries..
Well .. I shook my head and said to myself..
"poor things....glad it's not me..."
Now...it's me...!!
First i had to prove to Goggle that i was really me...
Then i had to use a dictionary..'cause spell check wouldn't work...
Now my pictures will not down load...
Hey Blogger!!
I am really me...
I can't spell worth a patooie...
And i had some great pictures for today's post...
Could you get it together..??
I would prefer you get it together soon...!!
I finished my twister wall hanging and the big brown box delivered new fabric for my next..
"Quilt for Kids"
I want to show all my friends...
Without the trouble of e-mailing the pictures to myself at work..
It's too early in the day to start this s***...!!
Don't ya just love Mondays......my favorite day of the week...
Maybe i'll rethink that choice....
Life is Good