Friday, December 23, 2011

Watching and Waiting.....

..that seems to be the theme for the cabin in the Twelve Acre Wood for the next few days...

The fur babies are watching for Santa..
And the humans are watching Mia...

Mia is in the early stages of congestive heart failure....
the good news is the "early" part...!

Our second Jack Russel developed emphysema and CHF at the age of 8...
(Mia will be 8 this coming year)
But....on the correct meds Adam (#2) lived to the ripe old age of 14...

So....Mia's prognoses is good..
She's now on heart meds and a fluid pill twice a day

She's on day two of her meds...
I think she's doing better....CityBoy doesn't...
He's a worrier...!!

Life is Good


  1. I hope those meds keep her going for a long time. We had one that had that also. Hard to give them up as you know. Helen

  2. I do hope those new meds will keep your darling Mia with you for many years to come. You just have to be optimistic when it comes to things like that. Our pets are all so dear to us. Modern medicine has not only lengthen human lives but it has done the same for animals too. At least now you have hope. Isn't that what Christmas is all about anyway!

  3. Hi, I'm so thankful that there is hope for your Mia to live a long life. If you hadn't already been down this road, it would be even more frightening! Our old guy is on two meds also and we take every day as a gift.
    May your Christmas be filled with joy and love.
    Merry Christmas, Noreen

  4. It is hard not to worry. Wonder why we do?

    But the watch for Santa will pay off, that one is for sure!!!

    Love from down here!

  5. I hope Santa is good to all of those adorable fur babies.....

  6. I hope that you have many many more Christmases to come!!!

  7. They all look so cute waiting. Happy Mia has a good chance to be with you for more years.

  8. Aw gee, I am sorry to hear about Mia. The good thing is that you have caught it early and there is a lot that can be done for them these days.
    Mighty is sending huge hugs her way. Wishing you both many years yet together.
