Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ooops! did it again.....!. were taken out of the garage this time....

Lesson learned....

Nine inches and still counting!!

Snow should stop sometime tonight...

Stay Warm...



  1. I need to post pics of our snow and ICE. Did you have power out? Stay safe.

  2. I hope you are all in for the weekend and have someone with a plow to dig you out. 9 inches is alot of snow for sure! Take good care and keep warm!

  3. Wow ! That's a lot of snow....
    Good day to sit by the fire, make a cup of tea, and stay warm :)
    Lovely photos, you live in a beautiful area.

  4. It is GORGEOUS! Why take the cars out of the garage to get all snow covered? I think I missed something. Up here in the snowy north, we try to put them IN the garage to keep the snow off of them and keep them warm.

    As is often the case when you folks down south get snow, we didn't get any this time up here.

  5. We got lake effected yesterday, but nothing like this. I love it, because it covers up all the brown.

    You take great pictures, by the way.

  6. I enjoy your beautiful pictures! At least with snow--we know it will go away and leave green in the spring!

  7. I gues you didn't get to enjoy the brightest full moon of the year then.

  8. I am posting snow pics too although I have no idea how many inches. 8 maybe? I will measure

  9. Our internet is finally back up this morning. Yea!

    I love snow, I really do, but now I'm growing weary of it.

  10. Saw your comment at Ora's and just had to check your neck of the woods out. We have about 4 inches in central Ky. and supposed to get more tonight. I do not have to get out in it, but HH will. I will be out getting pics.

  11. Wow! That's a lot of snow! Beautiful pictures. Stay all snug & warm.

  12. Ooops? Because the cars were left out in the snow? Or?

    Snow makes everything look so pretty. We have rain and the power went off again last night.

    Hope you can get out to the main roads.

  13. I still say it's beautiful. But then....I live in SoCal and we don't see this kind of weather.

  14. We had a lot of snow in Arkansas too, but the view is not nearly as breathtaking as yours! Great Pictures!

  15. I was wondering like someone else. Why take the cars OUT of the garage? I'm sure there is a reason and what would I know living in south Texas?
