Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yes....Bloggerville ......

..there was snow here yesterday....but, not enough to write home about...!!

It was a strange teeny....tiny....very wet flake snow....
And the wind was so strong that it was blowing side-ways....!!

It was too windy for anything to accumulate or stick....
In a word it was ...


Had some errands......9:30 AM appointment at the unemployment place.....had to stop by the court house and pay some taxes, then get a new license tag for CityBoy's car.....


Did something i never....never do.....

Said...."Self......forget this....head home...." i did....!!

The most excitement of the day was watching the tree workers deciding whether to wear the thermal flight suits or the yellow rubber ducky suits....

It was that kind'a day....!!


ps......rubber ducky suits won.....


  1. I bet it was miserable! Stay warm!

  2. I had to chuckle over the rubby ducky suits...It was cold, windy with snow here too. Nothing stayed on the ground but a few white spots where the leaves are laying on the ground but it won't melt as we won't get above freezing today. Have a great Thursday!

  3. I am so glad you made this entry. Reminded me my plates are due!!!

  4. Ohhhhh, I wish you had pictures of the yellow ducky suitS!

  5. Sounds like the right day to say 'SELF, let's head home,' good decision.

    I was hoping they would decide to STAY DRY!
    TAke care and enjoy some cocoa!
    Love from down in the piedmont
