Thursday, March 3, 2011

Backdoor View......

Since i always seem to show you the view from the front porch.....thought i'd change things up a bit and show you the view out the back door....
Yep....that's the parental unit homestead further up the hill...
we call it the "Red Roof Lodge" 'cause you can see that roof for miles...!!
As you can see....there's mountain to the left....mountains to the right....mountain to the north...south...east and west....
Life is Good


  1. I hope your Thursday is a wonderful one there in the mountains. What a beautiful place to be!

  2. I do so love those red roofs. You can spot one hidden on the side of a mountain. No hiding.

  3. Your view is beautiful no matter which door its from.

  4. Thanks for the back door tour. Back door friends are good.

    Hope your day is great.
    Love from up here.

  5. You're so lucky to have the parental units so close by!

  6. What a wonderful view!
    I have no idea what my back door view looks like - - there's too much Texas dust!!

  7. Priceless.......It's always about Location, Location, Location and it seems you have it all. Enjoy your Today!
    Take care,
