Thursday, March 10, 2011

Home From the Techno Hospital.....

"Lappy is Home!"
The call came yesterday morning that she was ready....she had been cured....
So i left work an hour i would make it before the 5pm closing time....'
(couldn't handle another night of ..... well, you know)
There she was ....waiting for me behind the counter...close to the front door.....
The techno guru said...."found over 900 bug-a-boos on this's a wonder it didn't croak.."
What my baby "crash and burn".... "deader than a door nail".....
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!! (insert crying and tearing hair out... here)
I love this little gadget almost as much as i love my 4x4 Ford truck....!!!
Welll.....anyway she now has 4 new programs to keep her safe.....

She's now protected from......viruses.....spys......bots.....gigs....migs.......power outage....power surge.....eating bad food.....nasal congestion.....weepy eyes......irritations of the skin.....migrains.....head colds....and child birth......
Life is Good


  1. Wow! I think I need a doctor like Lappy has... Hope your Thursday is a great one!

  2. What ever did we do without our computers? What, we had to actually go to a book and more books for information? Glad that you are back up and running.....

  3. Yay! Lappy is cured! It's amazing how much more connected to the world our computers make us feel, isn't it?

  4. I am glad we don't have to have a telethon to find the cure this time.

    But Should she be protected from birthing? Maybe nice for the kids, Kitty, Mia and Max, to have some little Lappies to play with!!

  5. you for got rabbies and scabbies!

  6. So glad you two have been reunited and her bugs are gone. She looks right chipper.

  7. What? You didn't give her a welcome home party? Glad you got her well so fast.
