as i was flying around town
I got to thinking of things i uset'a find important or couldn't live with out...
Ohhhhhh....how my life has changed in the last 5 years...
Here's a few of the high lights..
I uset'a wear name brands clothes and keep up with the latest styles..
Now it's jeans...t-shirt.... bought at Wally World..... they fit better
and last longer.
I uset'a run to the grocery store once a week - grab what i thought we would need and rush home. Now we study the adds....usually hit two or more stores plus the produce stand.
Love the produce stand.....fresh veggies that the owners know where the veggies are from...'cause they've picked them up at the farms...
And i can get "cull" ( odd size/looking) bell peppers......2 for a $1.00
I uset'a get excited if something i actually needed was on sale....Now i get excited if it's on sale and i have a coupon that the store will double...
I uset'a have a drawer full of "beauty" products. Now it's blow-n-go with the hair and chapstick.
I uset'a drive a teal green/blue Ford T-Bird. Now it's a black Ford pick-um up truck with 4-wheel drive and i love to see the leaves fly around when i speed down mountain roads...
I uset'a fuss and moan when the temps got below 70 degrees 'cause i'd need a sweater or jacket. Now i run out in the pj's trying to take a picture of the first snow flake of the year...or the first red leaf...first spring blossom along side the driveway or the first tomato in the container garden...
I uset'a get all upset if some sorta critter made it's way into the yard...causing the dogs to carry-on. Now we put out seed....feed...apples.....call them "our" herd and sit on the front porch watching for them....
And i found myself buying a healthy protein bar at the cash register....
In the old "Uset'a" days ..... i would have bought a Milky Way..!!
Life is Good