Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009
An Oldie.......
.....but, a Goodie!!!
Pulled this little lap quilt out of the Quilt Cabinet yesterday....
thought the colors would be just perfect for summer moving into fall.....
It's an oldie.....i think this was the very first "kit" i bought.....
If i remember correctly it was a new line of 1800 French reproductions...
Anyway....i love the pattern and the colors.....they sort'a "fit- right- in" this time of the year.
Cause.......believe it or not.....we're starting to see a red or gold leaf on the hard woods.....
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Committee.....
For some reason......in these pictures ...... we have a role reversal......
Mia with a smile and Max with a sad face.......
What gives???......Don't know........need to check this out.........
Miss Kitty......she's about the same.......
Still anti-social...
Have a great day.......Enjoy!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Got Nothing.......
.....really don't have much of anything to blog about this AM.....
It's another beautiful morning here in the Blue Ridge and i'm gonna spend the day catching-up....you know........the food shopping.....the laundry......the cleaning of the house....etc. etc.
The food shopping should take me a little time.....it's back to reading labels......
That blood work last week showed i'm borderline diabetic......
Knew this was coming......before City Boy had his GBS...we lived with his diabetes for many years and the signs were there.......ugh!!!....Just when i thought i could give up label reading as a hobby!!!
Also....need to lose this 20 pounds i've packed on with all this "Good ..... Mountain Food"......who knew ....Hushpuppies were a food group and should be served at every meal.......??!!
Well....anyway....that's the plan.....
But....i hear the sewing machine calling.....and that fabric i laid out last night......it's screaming...."Cut me in little pieces and sew me back together.......make me into something!!"
Hummmmmmm....big choices here......i'll have to check with the Community Watch Committee!
Enjoy your Sunday......
Saturday, July 25, 2009
We're Off.......

Time for SIL to head back to FL......and after looking at today's temps on the AM TV shows.....she thinks she might want to stay......!!
Can't blame her....who would want to fly back to 97* and 100% humidity...???!!
Have a great Saturday......i'm gonna spend my day riding....up and down......left then right......straight then curves......more up and down with curves......it's 2 hours one-way.....ugh!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Fields of.........
Enjoy your Friday.....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Used that fantastic pattern "Square in a square" over on Moda Bake Shop......
Soooooooo easy!!!! ..... and uses only one charm pack to make this 17"x48" table runner....
I'm using this pattern again and again and again!!
The tablerunner stash is building!!!
Enjoy your Wednesday....raining here....ugh!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thank You.........

Two of the greatest ladies you would ever meet.......with the sweetest spirits and most giving hearts....
Like the clouds ....ever changing and always there for me.....
Thanks girls for putting up with my crazy changing life and covering for me.....
Hugs and gifts forth coming.......
ps....Barb this picture reminded me of you........."Cloud Lady"
Monday, July 20, 2009

Momma brought them by to visit yesterday afternoon......they strolled across the side yard.....we stared at them and they stared at us.......The male child got a few pictures.....
Then they flicked their tails and calmly walked into the tall grass......
I'm calling them .....Jack & Jill......
They'll be back.....
Enjoy your Monday!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
# 9 and a half.......
Its. made with the Moda...Portebella Market....fabrics, and a few fat quarters of coordinating colors thrown in....
It's going to Atlanta with me in August for a session on the long-arm quilter......and then i'm gifting it as a wedding present....both Tim & Angie are very traditional home-bodies......sooooo.......i think they'll enjoy it.....plus, what do you get a couple that has everything??/!!!.......
And this is the tablerunner i finished this week.........i'm building up a stash of table runners......they make quick and thoughtful gifts........
This little guy is made with Moda.....1930's Feed Sack reproductions......
Fits right in...up here in the mountains.....
Moda....Moda.....Moda....there seems to be Moda everywhere in my sewing room.....
Maybe it keeps my "Moda" running.....
Ohhhhhh.....Ahhhhhh....... i crack myself up!!!!!
Enjoy your Sunday!!
ps.......no Bear last night......hope it was just passing thru......
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Well...............at approximately 4:15 AM this morning it bit the dust.....!!!
The dogs were hysterical......the cat was screaming on the front porch.....City Boy was sleeping and i was stumbling around without my glasses on......
Outside lights were on ..... but.....without glasses.....lets face it....i'm blind!!
Opened the door for the cat and chased the dogs back to bed......
Then this morning i found it.......smashed off it's pole......what ever hit it and knocked it to the ground was big and strong.....cause..... the little cabin had metal rods thru the sides holding it together and then it was screwed to the base.....
We're thinking maybe....gulp........BEAR!!!
Hey Smokey!!!!....welcome to the neighborhood....!!!!?????
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's been a really "Blah" week around the old cabin.....
None of us has felt very well......tired..... sleepy....no energy.....
you know that feeling......
Soooooo....yesterday i bought extra strenght, multi-purpose vitamins.....
now.....if we can remember to take them....maybe it will help!!
or maybe we just need a vacation ...... ??!!
Enjoy your day.....i'm of to the hospital for bloodwork......ouch!!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
This is the view for the late afternoon deer watch......this is the norm....
But last night.......about 9:45 pm......the dogs went ballistic!!!!
When we flipped on the flood lights......
My brain immediately went to the movie "Twister".....
"cows.......we've got cows...."
There they were munching away on the deer corn and apples......they were even eating the birdseed that was on the ground......
Well.....Mia and Max have never seen cows this close before .... they were barking and backing-up....wish we had remembered to take some pictures!!!
Well.......maybe the "big" deer will be back tonight....
Enjoy your Tuesday.....i'm canning tomatoes....another "City Boy" bargain box!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
We haven't........
During the last of May and the beginning of June it was all anyone up here in our little corner of the Blue Ridge was talking about.......days and days of rain.....flash floods.....roads and bridges closing........
Well the first picture is what it looks like today up here in my section of the high country......
Which is OK with me ...... we can use the rain .....now ......
But ....it leads to this lush-green, very thick foliage.....that's OK too....
except when my small dogs get out of the house or the dog run and we are chasing them down , lots of yelling and running around by the humans.........Do you know what kind'a monsters live in the 12 acre woods ?......they must to be hunted down...at full speed.......it's not a pretty picture!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mountain Morning......

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Back at the river......

Friday, July 10, 2009
This is it........

Sometimes my train of thought amazes me!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Love this......

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Here's the little daisy that lives outside the backdoor.....didn't want it to feel slighted....
And this is the multi-flora (wild) rose that lives on the fence going down the mountain .... outside the park boundaries....
Can you believe that this plant is not native to this area and is considered invasive...!!??
Well.....i like these roses....they come in red, pink, white and can come live at my house anytime...
Have a great Friday......
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thankful Thursday.......