Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Can't Help It.......

....sometimes i run across a book that i can't put down......!!

This is one.....if you like a really good police'll like this ....!!

And if you've seen the movie...."The Bone Collector" with Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie....
you'll know the major characters and the inner workings of their relationship....

Not gonn'a write any more......go to the library.....get it.....enjoy it.....

Gott'a go ....... i'm almost done.....they're closing in on the killer.....!!!



  1. Sounds like a real exciting book ~ Hope you enjoyed the ending ~ Ally x

  2. Wish I could make my book reviews that short and sweet. Hope the ending doesn't disappoint.

  3. Thanks for the suggestion and referral. I liked his 'The Bone Collector', actually did not know they had made a movie of it. Will have to check it out. I live under a rock. hahahahhaha
    PS Saw more trees on top of cars coming from the mts. WE down here also use that as an excuse for a day trip.
