Wednesday, November 10, 2010

They're Back.....

....the bargain boxes.....that is...!!

For those of you new to my blog.....CityBoy works for a local food store .....everyday the produce section pick what they call unsellable product (fruits and veggies with a bruise or blemish) of the shelves.....packs it in a bargain box and sell them at a very reasonable price.....

One appeared at our house Monday night.....hummmmmm....

Inside was enough tomatoes for 4 quarts.....
3 very ripe pears
2 Golden apples
7 McIntosh apples
16 ears of corn
4 bell peppers
and a partridge in a pear

Ahhhhhh....look at "Mama's Helpers".....holding down the mattress pad while i'm putting clean sheets on the bed....

3 over ripe pears and the goldens went into a Cup'a Cobbler....


Corn is in the freezer...
McIntosh's are sliced, wraped in bacon and in the dehydrator to become doggie snacks....
And i'm still deciding what to do with the partridge......



  1. Here I thought you were quilting. You were a busy one there at your house! I love what you do with those boxes of goodies. We don't have anything like that here at our stores or if they do I sure don't see them. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. WOW I wish we could get those here. Great job. And I agree, have you gotten any quilting done. Hugs

  3. How ambitious!!! That is a great deal tho!!!
    Looking at your header pic- are those beehives in between the two trees?

  4. what a bargain box of goodies ~ looks like you have been very busy making good use of them ~ Ally x

  5. Can we get a recipe for your Cup O Cobbler?

  6. I'm impressed! That's a whole lotta cookin' going on! Don't know about the partridges, although 5 golden rings sure would have been nice!


  7. All of that sounds delicious, but I can nearly taste the tomatoes in soup and smell that cobbler!
    You did good!
    I see you are making good the time off!
    Love from Florida!

  8. Now that is a bargain....and what food you have cooked...yummieee

  9. Fresh canned tomatoes are one of the things I miss from my grandma. Always made my soup taste that much better.

  10. Awww you have so much good stuff there to eat just leave that partridge in the pear tree.

  11. Your jars of tomatoes look beautiful. I could eat them plain...just like that.

    Yes, I have a helper when I am changing sheets too. She likes to get under the sheet when I flip it up to spread it out on the bed. I'm glad they're easily entertained!

    Have a fabulous friday ~Natalie
