Friday, November 19, 2010

Morning Frost.....

Apparently we've been having a heavy morning frost for over a week now......
and i've been missing it.....

Maybe....i've seen it and it just has not registered in the brain.....
(shrug shoulders here)

I've been working like a quilting fool on the two memory quilts .... and i'm almost finished...!!
But had to take a break......cause.....hunched over the cutting table and sewing machine has created muscle spasms in my neck......resulting in a semi-migraine ..... FUN!!?? get me away from the "machine"....
CityBoy and i are doing the Thanksgiving Dinner shopping today.....

Hope Mom has room in her freezer for the turkey....
My freezer is full of bargain box stuff....!!



  1. Happy shopping. That frost is beautiful but looks cold. Helen

  2. I need to do that shopping too, but it won't be today with my little grandson here...maybe tomorrow or even next week. I'll have plenty of time before our family feast as we'll be celebrating the Saturday after. You are supposed to be enjoying the quilting so enjoy the break and no more migraines or muscle spasms...Have a Fantastic Friday!

  3. Ah, you can just leave the turkey on the back porch up there. No, probably not a good idea you got them 'wild thangs' up there!

    Take care, I am not looking forward to any heavy frost.

  4. We did our shopping yesterday. Went to 2 grocery stores and WallyWorld. The stores were ok but WW was CRAZY!

  5. There is so much of it that it looks like snow.

  6. Enjoy your shopping! This year we go out to eat. I cook every other year. Yea!!! I'm looking forward to NOT spending two days in the kitchen.

  7. Are we going to see the 2 quilts when they are finished? Hope so!

  8. Oh, how fun, you know how to quilt. Needless to say, I don't, but I so admire those of you who can. That's some heavy frost you have. We have it too, but much thinner every morning.

  9. Doesn't a full freezer make you feel good? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. I am anxious to have some time in my sewing area and just catch up on my mending. To work on a quilt or any other sewing project would be like heaven to me. I am looking forward to it!! I had fun doing my Thanksgiving shopping and hope you enjoyed yours as well.
