Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Along the Way.....

Some people talk on their cell phones.......some people tex.......
some people are oblivious to what's around them while they drive....


I take pictures....!!

There's about a mile and a half of these sunflowers growing wild along the road side of the
"main drag" thru town......
Down past Lowes hardware and Wal Mart....
Just after the entrance to the High School..

You'll find these little beauty's.....

Not a bad picture for 40 mph....

Life is Good


  1. Just beautiful! I need to start taking a camera with me! My cell phone just doesn't take that good of pictures!

  2. I can't take a decent picture standing still---at 40 mph--no way. Hats off.

  3. I take pictures when my husband is driving. He'll ask me if I want him to slow down. My reply is generally, "No, I think I've got this." And if I don't - well, there's always another day.

  4. The picture is beautiful but still do take care when driving. I've tried and failed to take pictures along the way to the camper. The drive there is beautiful but It seems I cannot do two things at a time. Have a terrific Tuesday.

  5. I'm not to good at "moving pictures" but yours are great!

  6. Good shot and it is good that the time taken is a split second to get done, not like texting or s--ting!
    Love ya! Have a great day up there.

  7. Pretty things, aren't they? It's so surprising to see stretches of lovely flowers in the medians and on the sides of highways as you're traveling along. Makes you wish that more projects would end with flowers being planted.

  8. Beautiful photo ~ taken at 40 miles an hour just perfect ~ Ally x

  9. What a beautiful picture...in your header and your blog. As mom likes to say any day in the NC mountains is a good day.
    They will be leaving me in October to head up that way...hopefully to see some colors.

  10. I think it's a beautiful picture. 40 mph or not!

  11. Nice pictures! My phone's camera doesn't take pictures that good when I'm standing STILL!

  12. Nice picture. Just keep one hand on the wheel.
