Monday, August 1, 2011



Look at the view from the front porch this AM...
Can you tell it may not be a good day....??

My day has begun with a delete.......after downloading my picture.....i hit "back space"....(by mistake) and deleted my post pictures.....

Sooooo.....start over...!!

Do you think i could go back to bed and......start over.....when i can see the road..??!!

Life is Good


  1. No go to work one of us have to
    work today
    City Boy

  2. Hope it clears up soon there for you. Fog isn't good for driving for sure. Hope the rest of the day is better!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hate driving in the fog! It seems sometimes writing a blog can make you crazy. But you have perseverance! I hope the rest of your day is better!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Man oh man, I have been having problems this morning also (however I didn't get up until 10. Don't throw things), but I have been hitting the wrong keys or the system has a mind of its own off and on.
    Hope the day is going much better. Sometimes we need the pust to get going. (Hubby's are good at pushing!)
    From over here
    Sherry & Jack
    After looking at the typos I needed to comeback, I ned a proof reader.

  7. I like fog, it softens the earth. Really like that photo.
