Saturday, August 27, 2011

Used Car Lot....

CityBoy observed this strange event yesterday on the knoll..... across the road and up the hill from the Twelve Acre Wood....

About 8AM the trucks and cars began to appear from every direction and collect at the summit...
They stayed most of the day and then began to disappear as quietly as they came....

I think it was the annual meeting of the..

"Dog Guy Society"

the men of all ages that run their beagles over the river ....thru the trees.....up the hills..
filling the air with yeps....growls....barks and squeals.....

You've got to have a meeting to planning these things know...

Wonder what they had for refreshments....?

Life is Good


  1. At first I thought maybe they were people evacuating from the coast. But I do remember from last year that you also saw the guys with the dogs there for their annual event.Hope all is well there and you have a wonderful Saturday.

  2. Hi, Here I too thought people would moving their cars out of the storm. I would love to watch the running of the beagles-oh what fun!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Nice pickup trucks :D
    Have a nice weekend, Boomer.

  4. Sounds like a good day to stay out of the woods, to me.

  5. Maybe you could join them and they would offer you some refreshment. Then you could tell us.

  6. I thought they were gonna start cutting the Christmas trees. They were cutting them three weeks ago, do they last that long. This seems maight early.

    But the boys do love their dogs.

    Sending love from the low land where we haven't seen a thing about Irene, except a long convoy of electrical bucket and boom trucks headed East.
