Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Lazy Day......
....well.....that's what kind'a day it's gonna be.....
Once again the muscles in my shoulders and neck are causing me trouble....
they go into spasm's(is that spelled right?) and send shooting pains up into my temples...!
I believe it's from over use of the mouse and probably need to change my contacts....
Anyway...except for Misskitty's rant....i've been trying to stay away from the desk and give those muscles a rest.....
But, i've been lurking in the shadows of cyberspace...keeping track of all my blogger friends.....
i can to do that with my left hand....
Beware...laptop.....i'm becoming a double-handed mouser.....!!!!
Life is good..
Once again the muscles in my shoulders and neck are causing me trouble....
they go into spasm's(is that spelled right?) and send shooting pains up into my temples...!
I believe it's from over use of the mouse and probably need to change my contacts....
Anyway...except for Misskitty's rant....i've been trying to stay away from the desk and give those muscles a rest.....
But, i've been lurking in the shadows of cyberspace...keeping track of all my blogger friends.....
i can to do that with my left hand....
Beware...laptop.....i'm becoming a double-handed mouser.....!!!!
Life is good..
Friday, January 28, 2011
Hello..Bloggerville....!!....Misskitty here....
I need your help....
This Morning the people here at the Twelve Acre Woods...
grabbed me.....stuffed me in my carrier.....and took me to...... the VET!!!!!
I need to take some sort of revenge....
I've thought of the snubbing routine.....
the flicking of the tail action.....
Not eating.....
The claws on the furniture and rugs at all hours ....
Tapping of the face (with claws out) at around 4:30 AM.....
The begging at the door for the in & & & out....
But these are everyday things around the cabin.....hehehehe...!!
I need something new....
Any suggestions....??
Oh....BTW...mama says...
Life is Good
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Winter Trax......
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
No....i'm not pondering the snow outside today.....
I'm trying to make sense of what i'm hearing on the national...state... and local news.....
Last night our President called for the USA to have the greatest educational system in the world......
However....this AM the state and local news are moaning about budget cuts for our North Carolina schools.....
They're talking in the state capital today about cutting educational programs... starting with Pre-K all the way up to college level doctorates....
In fact the large county south of me, has been told they need to cut $100 million out of next years budget....
My brain just doesn't comprehend how you can drastically cut major programs and still improve our educational system....
Maybe....if i had finished college....i'd understand these issues...
Life is Good
....unless your in Pre-K or college....
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Nooooooo....nooooo.....not for the brewing storm clouds.....!!
The state decided to reinstate my job....yah....!!
I'm employed least to the end of this fiscal year...
So March 1st it's back to the old "grind"....
You know the"grind" i couldn't wait to leave last November...
Four months is just enough time off ..... i'm starting to get a bad case of cabin fever....
It's Time....!!......It's Time....!!
Life is Good
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Poor Max......

....he made the mistake of telling Mia he's thinking about cheering for the Bears and the Jets....!!
Mia's a Packers and Steelers kind'a girl.....
Yes....some may think i'm kidding.....but.....Mia.. (like Iris over at watches TV and one off her favorite things is "FOOTBALL".....!!
She even requested those little teeny-tiny hotdogs to be served during the SuperBowl.....
I'm really not sure she's a Jack Russell.......i think there's a little Tasmanian devil mixed up in there somewhere.....
But.....Hey.....we love her anyway.....
Life is Good
Mia's a Packers and Steelers kind'a girl.....
Yes....some may think i'm kidding.....but.....Mia.. (like Iris over at watches TV and one off her favorite things is "FOOTBALL".....!!
She even requested those little teeny-tiny hotdogs to be served during the SuperBowl.....
I'm really not sure she's a Jack Russell.......i think there's a little Tasmanian devil mixed up in there somewhere.....
But.....Hey.....we love her anyway.....
Life is Good
Saturday, January 22, 2011
....another whirlwind Saturday morning...!!
Got another storm front coming in the beginning of the week....
Gott'a hit those "must have" stores while the sun is shinning....
Left the cabin around 9:30...and we did...
the feed store
gas for my truck
Lowe's Foods
and was home by noon...!!
Now i'm putting the corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker for dinner tonight with the parental units....
and then i can perch on the sofa for ...
Love the pay-offs....!!....hope there's a least one game on today....
Oh well.....anyway.....
Life is Good
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ohhhhh Jon......

Jon over at put me on his list for the
"Stylish Blogger Award"
Jon....Jon....i'm not stylish.... i'm home grown
and here are 7 reason why
1. I wear Birkenstocks....all the time....even to church...
2. I live and work in the woods.....
3. Some days i'd rather talk to the animals than to humans...
4. I don't wear make-up....even to church....the real me is always out there....
5. I don't cook breakfast or lunch.....sorry guys!....however, neither one of my homeboys look like they've missed a meal....
6. I'm blind as a bat with out my glasses/contact lens......i know i've written about this before....but.....i'm telling you again..
7. Blogging has started to consume!!
Now......i'm suppose to pass this along to 15 other bloggers....
Can't do're all Stylish Bloggers...
I consider you all myfriends and i can't choose....!!
Help.....i'm being swallowed with indecision...
I can't do it....!!
Forgive me....
Life is Good
"Stylish Blogger Award"
Jon....Jon....i'm not stylish.... i'm home grown
and here are 7 reason why
1. I wear Birkenstocks....all the time....even to church...
2. I live and work in the woods.....
3. Some days i'd rather talk to the animals than to humans...
4. I don't wear make-up....even to church....the real me is always out there....
5. I don't cook breakfast or lunch.....sorry guys!....however, neither one of my homeboys look like they've missed a meal....
6. I'm blind as a bat with out my glasses/contact lens......i know i've written about this before....but.....i'm telling you again..
7. Blogging has started to consume!!
Now......i'm suppose to pass this along to 15 other bloggers....
Can't do're all Stylish Bloggers...
I consider you all myfriends and i can't choose....!!
Help.....i'm being swallowed with indecision...
I can't do it....!!
Forgive me....
Life is Good
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Uck Ohhhhh....!!
....during the loss of my "Quilting Mojo"...which occurred last summer and fall.....2010...yikes!! what a year...
My Quilts for Kids quilt.....(which was almost done BTW) buried under piles of magazines.....catalogs.....fabric stash.....and various other junk....!!
Found it's only 6 months late....
I'll finish the binding today and if the weather should be in the mail no later than Monday...
I'm sorry...!!!
Hopefully the "Mojo" will never...ever....leave the sewing room again...
Bad Mojo.......Bad Mojo....!!
Life is Good
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Another Bargain Box........
Just when i was all set to watch a Saturday of play-off football....
A Bargain Box of pickling cucumbers appeared at the top of the stairs's how we spent the morning....
Cut those cukes..!!....Cut those cukes...!!
(this should be chanted like your a Steeler's cheerleader)
Push'm down....push'm down....way down in the jars...
(you've got a kitchen towel and pretend it's bright yellow....!!)
Eleven jars of Dill and 7 jars of Bread & Butter....
I keep telling CityBoy that canning is a late summer/fall sport...
I don't think he's listening....!!
Life is Good
Saturday, January 15, 2011
"The Day....!!"
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Did you ever.....
...have a project that was a pain in the patootie from start to finish...!!!
Well....let me introduce you to my first finish of the year.......only 10 years in the making....!!
I made these blocks in a BOM club at the local quilt store..(only 2.3 miles from my front door in Florida) and i remember never being able to get the blocks to measure 12.5 x 12.5.....
Already a pain in the rear....
Then when i decided i needed a "Real Christmas Quilt".....these old...all of a different, green and white squares jumped out of the stash.....
I don't think there's a quarter inch seam to be found anywhere......a lot of fussing.....cussing......pulling.....tucking.....shoving.....throwing of things......pins stuck in the fingers....running out of thread.....flying bobbins......lost scissors.....iron left plugged in.....I'm not sure if it's baby size...throw size....or wall hanging size.....and at this time ...i don't care......ugh!....
.....if you can name went wrong.....!!
At one point i seriously thought of throwing it out in the snow and running over it with my truck....!! it is ......!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Fashion Wednesday
Here's Mia modeling the latest in fleece wear...
Note the Velcro straps at the neckline and around the middle....
Just what a girl with a short stubby body and a Mae West bust line needs....
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hunkered Down......
.....Oooooohhhhh i dislike that phrase...!!
"Hunkered Down"
What does that mean..?
Are we like the little bird in the picture......fluffed up....hanging on a branch.....waiting for the worst to come....??!!
"Hunkered Down"
Seems to be a favorite phrase with the weather gurus....
I thought it was a Florida Hurricane Season phrase....
And i thought by moving to the mountains i would leave that phrase behind me forever....
"Hunkered Down" has followed me.....!!
We're now "Hunkered Down" for a big...several day long.....snow storm....with ice....
What's next....
"Cone of Probability...??"
Another favorite hurricane season phrase....
Please spare me....Ole' weather gurus...
Find some new and different language...
Is this a rant or cabin fever...??
Guess i'll go "hunker down" at the sewing machine.....
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Good Morning......
.....Frozen Tundra...!!
It's as beautiful 11.5* off the front porch today....!!
Sun is coming up....birds are singing....and i'm not going out there...!!
The next snow should start this afternoon...just about the time the sun has melted the top layer of the existing snow......creating a nice under layer of ice for the Monday morning rush to work and school..
Hummmmmm.....some how.....i don't think that work and school thing is going to happen tomorrow...
Ohhhhhh Welllll.....there's always Tuesday...
Stay safe and warm out there...
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Another Ponder.....
This is Max...
He's a rescue......long story for another day..
He's a good boy..
He's a rough and tumble kind'a guy..
He's my shaggy-raggy little monster..
He's house broken and comes when he is called..
He can get to your soul with those eyes..
My ponder is..
Why can't i teach him to take both treats and give one to Mia as he runs by her...??
Just a thought..
Monday, January 3, 2011
How come.......
....the sunrise can be so beautiful and the temp be so low....?
Cold out there today......low 20's.....high today only in the 30's...
Also...discovered the reason going back to bed 1/1/11 felt soooo good..
One of those 24 hour bugs invaded my body....!!
Spent yesterday barely moving from the bed to the sofa and back....
with trips to visit the porcelain goddess in between....
Seems to be gone this AM and
I'm back to pondering strange the sun and the daily temps....
I'm beginning to think it's time for me to go back to work...!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Good Morning......
....Bloggerville Campers...!!!
This is the view from the front porch this AM...'s raining....windy and cold...!!
CityBoy is at work.......the MaleChild is hold-up in his room with his computers....(yes, in more than one).....
Soooo....this self-respecting mountain girl did what she's wanted to do for a very loooonnnngggg time....
I went back to bed...!
Well....first i took the dogs outside and put the pork roast in the crock p0t....
then i hit the sack with a new mystery and read....dozed and/or slept until almost noon...!!
This year started off great for 'bout you!!??
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