Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday......

MissKitty here, reminding you...
To be thankful for the good friends you make along life's journey....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday.....

Doesn't this little guy scream......"FALL".....?!
I'm having sooo much fun...playing with the MARCO setting on my purse camera...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

7 Things........

Ninny....over at Ninny's Notes....
Has awarded me "The Versatile Blogger" award..
and the rules state i must tell you seven things....never before told ....about me....
Hummmmmm......this could be tough....!!
But, here goes....
  1. I don't own a dress, skirt or power suit anymore. Gave them all away to a women's second chance program when we moved to the high country.
  2. Without my contact lens or glasses i'm legally in "blind as a bat".....i live in a blurry world during the night hours when the glasses or lens are on the shelf.
  3. I played the clarinet in the high school band.......not fond memories.....!!
  4. Haven't finished a quilting project in 5 months and the guilt is about to over-take me......!
  5. Only my hairdresser, Rachel knows.....and now you.....that without her i would be very, very, very gray....
  6. Don't' have a "Bucket List" at this time....but, i'm working on it.
  7. MissKitty only tolerates me.....her true love is the MaleChild....

Well.....i don't think i've told you these little items of interest before.....

Maybe or maybe not......i don't know.....i think i'm right.....i get soooooo confused.....

The pressure is killing me here!!!!!

Anyway...... thanks made me search the brain....!!

Plus ....just a little touch of buddy Barbara and i found yesterday, in the back yard of the Visitor Center....


Monday, September 27, 2010


Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday..
via bloggerville and facebook..

Spent the day doing nothing ...except what i wanted...
it seemed to involve lots of eating ... watching tear-jerking movies on Lifetime and Hallmark ....and then more sitting on the front porch in the rain with hot cocoa.....

It's still cooler ...... raining and the fog has moved in.....
now i'm gonn'a try and find my way to work.....LOL!!!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Song in my Head......

Happy Birthday to me....
Happy Birthday to me......
I'm 60 today...!!!
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee..!!

Enjoy your's raining here and turning colder....

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Like the Feather...... Forest fascination with these falling leaves on the parks back deck....
I sit here and watch them break loose from the trees....float down and land....sometimes in a perfect spiral....

Then i rush out to the deck and watch them....sometimes they're is 2 0r 3.....4 or 5....6 or 8...

Anyway....they're flitting...floating....rolling ....tumbling....rushing along....or just laying still basking in the sunshine.....

There they are.......waiting for me to get the perfect picture....!!

Little devils.....just when the camera is focused.....centered.....marcoed....and ready...

There they Forest's feather....


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday......

MissKitty here.....reminding you to be thankful for the road your given to travel.....

lean into the curves.......learn from the bumps.......enjoy the straight-a-ways.....


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This morning....... about living in the clouds....!!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Many have asked.......'s the answer......

Yes.......the leaves are starting to change.....!!

This is just one of the many trees around the neighbor that's beginning to color-up the landscape....

A couple more weeks and things should be really look like FALL..

Can't wait...!!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Perk....

...of working in a park located in the middle of farm country....
...Mid-afternoon snacks..!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stuck in the Middle With You.......

Found this little guy stuck between the boards on the back deck at the Visitor Center in the park..

Five days till Fall....but....who's counting...!!


Friday, September 17, 2010

They call me Mellow Yellow.......

Just a few of my "Mellow Yellow" buddies hanging out at the park...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday........

MissKitty remind you....
Don't sweat the small stuff....
And be thankful for all the little warm fuzzes in your life....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday.....

This strange cloud formation moved in above the cabin and hovered for about 20 minutes...
It reminded the MaleChild and i of an alien craft from a Spielberg movie...
We were listening for the theme music from 2001 Space Odyssey to come drifting up from the valley..
And decided if that happened .... it was time to get out'a town...!!!
Anyway....this strange thing produced not one drop of rain...

Thanks to all who left me comments yesterday about my rant and concerns about my health...

I'm gonn'a be fine....just a Urinary track infection...that went undetected until the culture came back from the Lab......seems this was the cause of the upper back pain..... and the "bad" disc was causing the lower back pain and leg cramps......sheeeezzzzz!!

$83.09 worth of meds, 1 Doctor visit and the hospital charge for the culture should make me better.....

Anytime now.......$$$$$$.....!!!!!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

D*#@ Rooster......

Sorry's not your fault that this beautiful picture of peacefulness is ruined for me this morning....
I have a RANT...!! goes....!!
What happened to health care reform.....?
Has it gone into effect yet....?
Will it help Americans that are dangling out here with little or no health insurance...?
How does it effect Medicare...?
These are just a few of my questions......
A few months ago you could not turn on the TV or radio without hearing ...
How it was the next best thing or how it would create socialized medicine...
i tryed reading the reform bill in hopes that it would explain how it would help or hurt me ....a fairly average citizen of the good ole USA...
After about 100 pages i gave up...... there was so much legalize in the wording i was confused after the first sentence..... ugh!!!
Why this rant you ask......
Well, yesterday i paid $83.09 for FIVE pills....!!!!!
And that was after insurance....
Can you understand my furstration.....??
These pills better kill every bad bug in my body....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hello...?......Hello.....??? anyone still out there...??!!
Blogging has been hit or miss around our house for the last few days......
The old back injury decided to cause some problems and the Dr's said....."bed rest and mild pain killers for at least two days......hard to type flat of my back.....
Maybe next time CityBoy could rig-up some kind'a system for the laptop.....??!!
And i won't even tell you about yesterday in the Wal*Marts .... when CityBoy yanked the shopping cart, i was leaning on, away from me.......cause a 'new line" was opening up......thought long and hard about stoning him with the over-priced candy on both sides of that "new line!!"
Anyway....back is better ...... just sore and moving slowly.... plus it's Monday .... my favorite day of the week and the slowest day at the park.....
So it's back to "sort'a" normal.....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another Thing to Ponder.......

Field across the road.....
September 2009..
Full of Queens Anne's Lace.....

Same field.
September 2010....

Golden Rod......???!!!

Another thing to ponder today.....


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Look Who's Back.......

Can you see it...??
You might have to enlarge the picture.....
There it is ....upper right hand side....moving across to the middle....
That's it.....that funny looking cloud...

Let's try this picture.....

Upper left hand side....

Yeah that funny looking cloud....that's really a vapor trail...


The jet jockeys are back...haven't seen them all summer....

Welcome back boys and girls.....!!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Just saw a hummer on the feeder....
A single hummer.........have all the rest gone back to Central America.....??

Is this the last to fly he a later bloomer or flyer....??

Even the flock at the park seems to have disappeared....
we have gone from filling the feeder a week...
and the juice level is not moving on a downward slope......

Well.......if your really gone or on the flight path....

Good bye my little friends......have a save trip.....
See you next April 15th......approximately....


Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day......

.......i'll be working!!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is this......

....what the humans in the cabin call a "picnic?"


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bead Count......

Look......look.....friends and neighbors......
August is over and the fog has moved on...
Nothing but Carolina Blue sky....

The final bead count was........
drum-roll please....!!!

13 green beads = 13 light snows
12 blue beads = 12 heavy snows

Sounds like we're in for another rough winter....!!

The ladies at work tell me ..... "you must have did it wrong!"

Maybe....i did.....but, just in case ...... i'm being like a squirrel and
storing stuff for a long cold....snowy..... stuck in the house......few months.....

Off to the Wal*Marts to start stocking-up.....!!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Max Mutters...............'s my turn!!!
This is calls me a "shaggy-raggy" boy.......or a neighborhood terrier.....or her little fuzzy man.......or when i was little....she called me a chi-wiener.....??!!
I'm the best kind'a dog there is........i"m a

I've got 2 stinky sisters that think they are the"boss" of me...


But what i really am....(no laughing Mia and MissKitty)...

is the official "watch" dog.....

I protect the twelve acres from invasion....

My bark is so loud and clear ..... it echos across the valley......and sometimes i get confused and i'm barking at myself......??!!

The neighbors say they can hear me and the Male Child is always yelling at me to "HUSH!!!"

But that's my job.....

My favorite to nap time.....

On the couch...snuggled with my dogs need lots of naps...


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mia Speaks.............

Well.....since mom forgot to take pictures of yesterdays field trip with Grandma and Aunt P......'i'll show you a few pix of our last family ride...
Of course i rode shotgun........uck comes Bubba.....better make sure mom knows... cause he likes to take his half of the road out of the middle.....

I love this little farm house.....had to leave the shotgun spot so i could get a real good look.....

Back at shotgun.....

"Watch-out mom....there are COWS out along side the road....!"

Male child missed a picture of the cows......he needs to pay attention.....!!

Why Max likes to be the rear gunner....i'll never's like looking at the world backward.........Hummmmm...silly Max!


Can't catch me........i'm the shotgun....!!!
