Sunday, July 31, 2011

Come'on.....try it...!!


I'm guarding the bird feeder....
CityBoy just filled it with seed.......
and all those little flying creatures are trying to be first in line.....!!

A "watch" cats job is never done....!!
Where are those dogs...??!

Life is Good

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hummingbird Cafe....

Busy little place..

Food must be good..!


Friday, July 29, 2011


This one is mine...

This one was made by a guild member and is hanging in the Visitor Center...


Same technique..
Different color schemes...

Two different looks...

Wonder if she went to the same shop-hop in Atlanta....
Must find out....!!

Life is Good

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just a few......

of the quilts hanging from the support beams of the Visitor Center
for the Celebration Day....

the one above is my..
" March Madness"

"Holiday Stars"

"Long May She Wave"

"French Country"

I must confess .... all four are mine...!!

More tomorrow

Life is Good

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday.....

Can you see them...??
They're there...
Two little beaks.......chirping away for dinner...

Life is Good

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Max is depressed....

He listened to the speeches last night....

His comment was....."What a crock..!!"

His family lives on a budget......they are retired.....they live on SS, retirement income and with part-time jobs to add a little extra to the checkbook.....they balance their budget every month....they have "no way" of increasing their debt ceiling....

Why can't these guys get it together...??

Pull the USA out of these useless wars.....stop aid to countries that are trying to terrorize us thru out source jobs...oil.... or destruction...

Leave Social Security and Medicare alone....

Take a good long look at special interest issues.....establish term limits.....peal-back your own benefits....

Try living like to average American....??!!

Enough said....can't wait for the 2012 election....Mom' s already deciding where her vote will go....

Life is Good (?)

Monday, July 25, 2011


...up and at'um....

...get the lead out....

...get a move on...

...time to start another week....

In other words....

Good Morning Bloggerville.....!!!

Life is Good

Friday, July 22, 2011


I guess this is the "hazy" days of summer...

Today is the frantic rush to accomplish the last minute details before tomorrows New River Celebration....
as we like to call it.....the Snot Otter Festival.....

it's a fun day of activities and programs to bring awareness to the New River and the Eastern Hellbender (the largest member of the salamander family)
Busy...busy... busy..

Life is Good

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The Jetta started and in a cloud of diesel fumes the FemaleChild, Grands and a car load of goodies are head back to hot Atlanta......

It was a quick....whirlwind.....wonderful visit.....cause of the short amount of time involved we spent most of our time at the parental units house or on the front porch talking....

Catch-up time....!!

We did "do" Tweetsie yesterday !
It was a perfect day......low 80's....gentle breeze.....lots of sunshine.....and small crowds.....
the boys rode.....rode.....rode......and rode the rides.....
CityBoy, FemaleChild and i sat and watched.....watched.....watched....


It's back to the grind.....

Life is Good

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Well.......we made it to the Cheese Factory....and i was surprised that the two older grands were very interested in the process of making cheese.....
Of course they liked sampling the cheese better....
and we left with several bags full of different flavors.

After a stop at the produce stand we had fresh veggies to work with...

soooooo.....for dinner......

FemaleChild made tomato/cheese salad with balsamic vinegar reduction dressing
Grand#2 made fried yellow squash....
And i threw a London Broil on the grill....
Smoke alarms were going off allllllll over the house....
Yummmmmm....was it good.....!!

Today we're off to Tweetsie........and then dinner out....!!!

Tomorrow back to real life...


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We're Off..... do the local tourist thing today.....
Things like the Cheese Factory.....the Cows.....the Trading Post...etc.

Last night had a front porch dogs.....potato salad.....mac salad....cole slaw....chips...
and the parental units from up the hill walked down to join in....
Lots of rocking chair action until after dark....

So.....i'm leaving you with a couple of driveway flower garden pictures to enjoy....
and we're OFFFFFFFF....

Life is Good

Monday, July 18, 2011

What do you think......

...Bambi and Thumper...??

FemaleChild and Grands got in about 10:30 last night.....
Not much going on today......think we'll all catch up on some "down" time....

Life is Good

Sunday, July 17, 2011

FemaleChild & Grands.....

....have fueled up the Jetta and are winging their way northeast for a quick visit....

the boys have a hankering for a visit to Tweetsie Railroad
and since the FemaleChild will start a grad program in the home schooling of the a new job for hubby and several 12 hr shifts a week for her at the hospital......
Five days off with nothing on the schedule meant...
....ROAD TRIP....!!

Sooo .....since i did nothing yesterday....except hop over to the grocery store for corn chips and finishing the latest Michael Connelly book......."The Brass Verdict"..
..excellent by the way......
I now have to" run with the Bulls" this AM and get loads of goodies.....the kind three teenage boys like......none of that low sugar......stuff....!!

I'm off to Wal*Mart with checkbook in hand....
I've only got six hours before they get here.....!!!!

Life is Good

Friday, July 15, 2011

This AM.....

Is this why they call'um the "Smokey" mountains....?
It was 60* at the twelve acre wood this morning...predicted high for today is 73* and there is a haze over the ridge lines..
Looks like we may be getting some rain today...


Life is Good

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Waiting and Watching......

Got this picture of Mama Deer waiting and watching me....
She's watching me throw apple chunks out on the front yard...
and she's waiting for that first bite...

Life is Good

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Never Know......

......where you'll find a big patch of Day Lillies and a little graffiti....

It's Wordless Wednesday.......have a great day......!!

Life is Good

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Remember when.....

...we were complaining about this....??

In the 90's and humid in the high country today...
Thank the good Lord for A/C

Life is Good

Monday, July 11, 2011

I did it to myself......

You see.....i have food allergies.....
the worst is eggs, milk and sodium (salt)'s migraine was brought to you by the new recipe for veggie pie which included 4 eggs......which would have been OK if i hadn't eaten it for dinner Saturday night.....for Saturday late night snack and for breakfast Sunday morning.....
and then topped it off with corn beef and cabbage for dinner Sunday....

It was glorious weekend of eggs.....milk.....and sodium....

When the pounding started in my head early this AM....
I knew i had eaten one too many eggs.....had just too much milk and eaten one too many bites of corn beef....

But.....Ohhhhhhh....was it good....!!

Life is Good

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flea Allergies......

Misskitty here.....


The dogs have flea allergies......but......the funny things is they (and Moi)...
...DO NOT have fleas.....
The vet said it only takes one bite to cause an allergic reaction...
Max and Mia both got steroid shots and flea preventative.....
plus Max is on what Mom calls an "antibiotic" for 10 days....

Whatever the vet gave them it has knocked them out...but good....they've
been sleeping around the clock since they got back home yesterday morning....


I'm back to being the "watch"cat again....
Maybe someday those dogs will pull their weight around the twelve acre wood.....

Life is Good
(and i'm asking for more treats)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

We're Off.....

Yep, Bloggers....

We're loading up the truck and moving to Beverly.....!!

We're loading up the truck and going down the mountain to visit the new cute vet.....
Seems Max and Mia have developed some skin allergies....

The sratching.....chewing.....rolling....wiggleing.....licking driving all of us nuts....
What caused it.......who knows......i think it's all the chemicals "they" are spreading on the 27 acres across the road.....chemicals that make the hay grow faster....

Sleep the last few nights has become a's the jingling of the tags that gets you every time......

So off we the hopes of receiving a miracle drug ......shampoo.....spray.....ointement.....
something to make the fur babies feel better.....

Life is Good (?)

Friday, July 8, 2011



Is that the weekend i see coming around the corner....??!!
Have a great one....

Life is Good

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday......

Today my "thankful" is geared to entertainment.....


I'm thankful for the written words.......books.....any kind...!!
CityBoy says i'm the only one he knows who even reads the instructions....!!

I love Books.......short ones.....long ones.....big ones.....little ones......picture books.....tiny little print books......bring'm on.....!!

And i am soooo lucky to live in an area that loves books.....
an area that enlarged the library so it would hold more....


Life is Good

ps......have no idea what happened to my picture.....hummmmm.......kind'a neat!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday.....

A few more....


wild flowers.....

Life is Good

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Just what everyone needs/wants.....

an Outhouse nightlight....!!

I really wanted this one....but....did i really need this one....??

Oh yah...... the want was awesome....
but....the need was lacking....

I fought the battle of want and need....!!

Unbelievable price won........and it stayed on the shelf.....


i really.......really......really wanted it.....

Life is Good

Monday, July 4, 2011


Happy July 4th..

Long may it Wave..!

Enjoy your day....i'll be at the park working....but....i'll think of all you and be reading blogs...!!

Life is Good

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things I Found Interesting......

Yesterday we went to the Christmas in July Festival....

Here are a few things i found this little sign.....didn't see little hand written note until i downloaded the photos.....

Chickens!.......I love chickens...!!!

Could not pass-up this the name of the company.....

Dogs with booties.....

Christmas trees in the middle of the festival....

Port-a-potties for the handicapped...

People......lots of people....


And yes...!! A harp player....
He's there every year....strolls through the crowds playing Christmas carols...

Life is Good

Friday, July 1, 2011


Whoa Baby...!!
Look at those eyelashes....!!

I am sooo ready for this weekend.....lots of front porch sitting....

No Wait...!!

This is the Christmas in July Celebration weekend.....
that means CityBoy will want to be out bright and early Saturday morning to get a good look at all the vendors and displays before the "crowd" gets there....

I don't care for crowds and this little festival averages about 75,000-100,000 people each year...
I'll just follow along behind him... let him look and carry on...i'll mumble or grunt occasionally so he'll know i'm still with him and if i grunt loud enough plus whine about my blood sugar...he'll feed me....

Now...if i could sit on a bench and people watch while he wanders around things wouldn't be tooooo's all the walking that gets to me.....walking.....that sounds like exercise to me....!!
And i gave up exercise for Lent.....

Life is Good