Sunday, January 22, 2017

I Did It...!

I over came my fear of pressure cookers and finally used the Instapot...
The pot sat on my kitchen counter for over a week and i kept telling myself...
"As soon as I decide what to cook in it....I'll use it..."
(hummmmm...talking to myself again)
Friday I bought a pork loin roast and decided that would be my first experiment with my new toy.
Today I put on my big girl panties and read the direction several (5) times, then put the roast in the pot and started pushing buttons...
Much easier than I was expecting and soooo good.  It was nice not heating up the kitchen with the oven and juggling baking dishes to get all of dinner in the oven.  Plus, everything was ready at the same time...I'll use it again...!
But....I'll never give up my beloved crock pots....!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Addiction or Quest?

I'm not sure which it is.....but....for some reason I love electronic kitchen gadgets.
Here's my newest one....
I've always been afraid of pressure cookers due to an accident my aunt had with one....ohhhh....maybe sixty years ago....
However, several friends have one of these and swear by them...
tomorrow I'm gonna give it a try...!
Now I need to find somewhere to store it...
I'll just clean out some of the kitchen cabinets....move the three crock pots.....the rice cooker....the huge mac-daddy crock pot (turkey cooker)...the kitchen-aide mixer....the bullet....the food processor (x2 gotta have a small and Large)....the immersion blender...the hand mixer...the toaster...and what ever that is in the back that I can't see and haven't used in years....
Maybe I'll just leave it on the counter....

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Plague on Our House....

It all started the Thursday before Christmas....
At 6:20 am the MaleChild and I heard a loud crashing noise in the kitchen...when we rushed in expecting, to find the dryer had fallen off the washer, (love those stacked units) we found CityBoy on the kitchen floor unable to get up by himself.....we got him up....the kid got him into the car as I got dressed and off to the ER we went...Turns out he was dehydrated and had influenza A, even though he had a flu shot back in November...with Rx's  and a doctor's note for work in hand...after the ER doctor said a novena and blessed me, cause I haven't had a flu shot ..we were on our way home.
On Friday, the FemaleChild called to say, her mother-n-law, visiting from up north was rushed to the ER with breathing problems.....she is still in the hospital on a ventilator, but seems to be improving...
Then on Christmas Eve, my brother took our Dad to the ER with breathing issues....on top of his COPD, he had pneumonia and influenza A...they admitted him and we finally got him home on the Tuesday after Christmas...
On the Wednesday after Christmas, Mom and I both ended up at the doctor's office....she has a really...really bad cold and I had a sinus infection with snap, crackles and pops in the lower lobe of my left lung...thanks to the asthma.....We were both given Rx's and told to go home and stay in bed until we felt better. 
 The real question was "should we quarantine the Twelve Acre Wood?" Should we put a sign at the bottom of the drive.."Enter at your on risk?"
Well....we had 2" of snow on maybe the cold did away with all the little germs roaming around....  :)