Sunday, January 22, 2017

I Did It...!

I over came my fear of pressure cookers and finally used the Instapot...
The pot sat on my kitchen counter for over a week and i kept telling myself...
"As soon as I decide what to cook in it....I'll use it..."
(hummmmm...talking to myself again)
Friday I bought a pork loin roast and decided that would be my first experiment with my new toy.
Today I put on my big girl panties and read the direction several (5) times, then put the roast in the pot and started pushing buttons...
Much easier than I was expecting and soooo good.  It was nice not heating up the kitchen with the oven and juggling baking dishes to get all of dinner in the oven.  Plus, everything was ready at the same time...I'll use it again...!
But....I'll never give up my beloved crock pots....!!


  1. Greetings!
    Where does the weekend go?! Your pork loin sounds so good. I do like my crockpot too! Have a marvelous Monday. Take care, ~Natalie

  2. Congratulations! That is really an accomplishment. Many people have a deep fear and cannot over come it. My Sherry is one, but she will now turn off the burner if I am outside and the time is up. That too is an accomplishment.
    I have a friend who SWEARS by her electric pressure cooker. I wish they weren't so bundlesome.

  3. Congratulations! So happy your first experience with a pressure cooker was successful. Hubby did pork chops in ours yesterday and they were yummy. As you use it more you will really grow to love it. Have a great day.

  4. Sometimes using or doing new things does take courage. So glad you managed to use your new pot. Dinner at your house sounds delicious!

  5. Good for you! I will have to check them out, I know cooking takes a shorter amount of time:)
