Took a little stacation.....gave myself five whole days off...!
Walked away from all things computer or work related..
I think i checked my personal and work email once....only cause i was watching for a work contract to come in and i'll take care of that today in the office...
I checked facebook once a day to see what my kids were up to...
the house is clean.....the throw rugs have all been washed...the dust bunnies are now outside...the spider webs are no longer hanging from the ceilings....I sat on the front porch, Mother Nature cooperated and the weather was"Just right"....I read two and a half books...I finished a small quilt....I think i even took a nap one afternoon...
I'm not sure....can't remember.....i was asleep....
Like my chicken? SIL painted it for me...
She knows i have a "thing" for chickens...
..Hope is Forever..