Friday, May 7, 2010

What are the odds......

......This is Jack and Sherry.....
Jack has a blog named "Shipslog" which i read daily...

A few days ago...he mentioned (on his blog) touring northwest NC to visit state parks....
I work at a state park...
What are the odds.....??!!
Yesterday......into the parking lot, drove a van with FL plates...
(anytime i see FL plates i make a point to ask where in FL they are from)
But.....then i noticed the "HAT"....
Is that Jack...?....then i recognized Sherry from all the pictures on his blog...
When they entered the Visitor Center, i immediately asked "where in FL are you from?"
Then i had to ask....."Are you Jack?"
Yes!!..... and this is Sherry and these are our friends, Don & Evelyn.....
Well bloggers it was like old home week.......we all talked and talked and talked....visited and Jack gave my co-worker Barbara and i autographed copies of two of his books...!!
Whoa Mama.!!........two of the greatest couples i've ever had the pleasure of meeting...
They truly love, laugh and enjoy life...!!
Come back soon ....Jack & Sherry.....Don & Evelyn.....
Come and camp with us ....up here in the high country.....come soak up the peace of the tree fields and the New River...
It's almost Heaven....
ps......Jack, had to borrow the picture from your blogsite.....Barbara and i both forgot to take pictures.....hope it's OK


  1. Oh that is TOO fun! What a great experience. I wanna meet some of my blog buddies too!

  2. The question, "Are you Jack?"
    What do you have lady 'STP' (LOL). What a wonderful meeting, and we enjoyed the meeting more than you can know. Our lives are full, this made them 'fuller'.
    Yeah, it was a joy to hear "I am BR Boomer".
    Sorry I did not have a novel to drop off,(next time for sure).

    We loved the camping area.

    Again, It was a joy meeting you. Conversations went to you as we drove through the beautiful mountains.
    Then coming back here, I looked closer at your 'view from the porch, and Miss Kitty's back ground'. Look Sherry, Christmas trees! We loved them, all in rows and wondering how they were planted so accurately.

    Take care! The blog is even more special!

  3. What a wonderful meeting!! What are the odds of that happening I wonder? I guess it was meant to be right LM? Fantastic!!! I would absolutely love that!!!!

  4. How wonderful! I've read his blog now and then and never realized he wrote books too. I guess I better check it out more often. It would be great to travel like that. I'd come see you but my camper stays permanently parked and I have no wheels to pull it anyplace. That was such a treat for you!

  5. ahhh Linda...we are acquainted with Jack and Sherry too..they came to Lexington to visit on the way home...isn't it just wonderful when you have something like that happen in your day...we just carried the goodness and fun over with us for days LOLOL...and I will agree 100 per cent...Jack and Sherry are the best of the BEST!!! glad you got to meet with them...God Bless...hugs...Ora

  6. Well how cool is that? I'm so glad that you all got to meet! Special indeed!

  7. So nice the best of the bloggers got to meet.

  8. Very nice...too fun!

  9. What fun for you!! Isn't the world of blogging wonderful!! :)
