Monday, February 13, 2017

What's happening.....

Just when I thought the plague was over....
the female parental unit was diagnosed with a large mass in the upper part of her colon, which the doctors felt was cancer....
So into surgery she goes and the doctor removed about 12" of colon and a large nasty looking mass.  The biopsy came back as cancer.  The good news is she needs no follow up treatment.  No chemo or radiation.
However, she is not physically strong enough to come home yet.  She is in what the hospital calls a "swing bed unit," that is within in the hospital complex....getting intensive PT, a high protein diet and lots of pampering by the staff.

She's up and walking at least three times a day, eating well, asking for her knitting, her word search books and complaining about not being able to find Jerry Springer on the hospital TV.
She's making great improvements, is almost like her "real" self and hopefully will come home soon.


  1. I hope she keeps improving! It all takes time when you get older:)

  2. I pray she continues to improve each and every day. She sounds like she is in good spirits which is a good sign.

  3. Life is certainly full of surprises.I can relate to that one. Hope she is home soon!

  4. I am sure glad the good news topped the bad. Our prayers and hopes for mama. And a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU!
    The best is hoped for you and all yours.

  5. Oh my goodness! You never know from day to day how life can change. Praying for your mom and your family .
