Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Adding to the Pack....

Yes we're still here....
Just lost my blogging mojo for a while.

Everyone here is doing well....
CityBoy is back to work, the MaleChild had a wonderful time in Ireland and Mom is almost back to normal...plus we've added to the pack.

Meet Mikey..!
On Saturday afternoon, the MaleChild was coming home from ASU and there he was sitting in the middle of the road...well...he couldn't leave this little guy...so Mikey came to live at the Twelve Acre Wood.
This was yesterday after his first visit to the cute Vet...
he's a mix breed (duh), about 8 weeks old and in good health, he weighed 6lb 5 oz, and definitely has all his teeth.  Max and Meg are tolerating the little bugger, but there was a little playing action going on today....soooo...looks like all will be OK with the three of them.

The MaleChild has been puppy sitting or is it Mikey is Nick sitting.
I have the rest of the week off.....let the training begin!!


  1. WOW what a joy to see the alert from the BR Boomer. Thanks for the update we have been very curious. Glad all is well. Looks like Micky won the lottery! Yep he is Ncik sitting! ;-)

  2. It was great to see a post from you. So glad things are good there in 12 acre woods. What a darling puppy. Lots of work ahead for you. Good luck with the training days.

  3. Welcome back; great to hear from you again. Your were sorely missed. Congrats to Mikey on finding his new home.

  4. Hi. I had to backtrack to see when you got Mickey. He is adorable-looks part terrier and part shepherd. I'm sure he'll be a wonderful addition.
