Monday, May 20, 2013

I Can Hear It.... is out there somewhere...
Hope it lifts soon so I can find it...
Everyday is a Gift


  1. Hey, your mountains are missing - the fog is hiding them. Rain expected most of the week here. Have a great day.

  2. Hope you see some sunshine once that fog burns off. We don't get much fog here in town. I miss those foggy mornings when I camped we were in the hills and often had them. I'm still bemoaning the fact that my camper is gone, but I'm trying to make the best of it here at home. Hope you have a great Monday!

  3. Ah yes, lovethe mountain fog and clouds. Sometimes you ay for such a lovely view you normally have. LOL
    (Hugs from down in the boonies) Over cast, but nice inside.
