Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lula threw it out....

We bought Lulabell a new dog of those that looks like an Igloo and has some insulation.   I thought a new dog house should have a new dog bed...
soooo...I found a nice comfy...snuggley...warm one and presented it to Lula with the new house...
She threw it out...!!
Not once but twice...!!
New bed in the people house....old bed in new dog house...
 it belongs to Mia in the mornings..
Max in the late morning to mid-afternoon...
and Misskitty from mid-afternoon till early evening....

They set their own schedule and so-far things are working fine...
So Far..!!

..Hope is Forever..


  1. One persons trash is anothers treasure they say. Too bad LuLu didn't like it but the others certain seem too. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday !

  2. Lulabelle must have thought it didn't smell right. At least the others are being nice and taking turns using it. Have a great day and keep warm.

  3. Pets are so funny! They have their own ideas, and they usually don't coincide with those of their owner.

  4. Imma moving in as y'all's pet soom! (smile) Stay warm up there, weather shows you guys "IS COLD"!
    But also cool in Florida, but we will have sunshine....

  5. Hi there, I had to laugh at the rotation on the dog bed. The sun looks so nice flooding your room.
    Hope you are staying warm!!!
    Hugs, Noreen
