Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Can You Hear Me Now...?!

 (7am this morning....sunrise over the mountains)
CityBoy and the male parental unit are off to the VA in Tennessee....
They are picking up CityBoys hearing aides..
I've teased CityBoy for years....the reason our marriage has lasted 39 years is because he traveled the first 27 years and has not been able to hear me for the past 12 years....
Hope he likes what I have to say.....

..Go For Your Dreams..


  1. Good luck and remember he will now be able to actually hear what you are saying. :)

  2. I hope they work out great. My first pair opened the world. But with continued deterioration they finally did not help.
    The bet to you guys and HAPPY THANKSGIVING

  3. Those are the ingredients for a perfect marriage.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.
