Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Max has laundry..??!!

Yes ....he does..!
Over the last year Max, who is some where around 11 or 12 years old has developed a love of doggie shirts....
It all started when the groomer suggested we buy him a tight shirt instead of a Thunder shirt.
We were going to try the Thunder shirt because he is terrified of storms..
I happened to have a "Harley Davidson" shirt that i bought for another dog.
Sooooo...we tried it...
Not only did the Harley shirt work but Max fell in love with shirts.....
Now he has these two, plus
his camo VIP shirt (Very Important Puppy) and his Harley Shirt... year he may make it to the runway during Fashion Week...

Monday, April 9, 2018

15 minutes later....

When I took the dogs out at 6:40 this morning, Mother Nature was giving us a light cold drizzle...
We came inside and as I was climbing the stairs I noticed it had started to snow and that light drizzle had turned into ice...which was covering the trees, grass, driveway and road....yikes!!
A lot can happen in just a few minutes...!!

It's still snowing......what happened to Spring??