Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
(Never thought i'd write that sentence.....)
Everyday....late in the clouds-up....starts to thunder....and i can see the rain on the mountain ridges surrounding the Twelve Acre Wood.... far.....other than a few drops....we've had no RAIN....!
The grass is brown and crispy......the drive is rocky, dry and dusty......we've had the A/C on for a month....the animals are looking for shade.....
Mother Nature could you move that moisture ..... just one mile north.....just for a few days....??!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Question for the Rabbits.......
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
OMG....Blossom Rot......!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Looks like a hot one.......
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
For My Buddy Barbara......
They were the most perfect ones i've ever seen....
No broken wings....
They disappeared before night fall and
we haven't seen them since...
Hope they're OK....and flitting about in the Twelve Acre Wood...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Question for my brother.......
Would you call this picture......
"Watching the grass grow....??"
I know you haven't seen him in is living proof that Dad is alive and well.....and up to his "Old" tricks.....
You telling Mom when the grass needs to be mowed......
I know you dooooooo......!!!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Another Road Trip........

Yesterday...the male child and i ventured out to the big city of Hickory and beyond....
Riding along on US 321
We checked out the Petco and Pet Smart....
Seems the salt water ecosystem needs more give it more color.....hummmmm...
We finally ended at a small fish store call Dav's the small town of Maiden...
(please don't ask me for directions)
It took a GPS and an iPod to find the store....
But the male child found what he wanted and that's the name of the game!
Then we ventured back home on US 16.......a straight hair pen stop and go quick changes of the speed visitors from other steep drop offs.......just beautiful land.....and a vast array of crops.....
With the Eagles playing on the stereo.......US 16 has now become my travel choice.....
Friday, June 18, 2010
Another Save.....maybe(?)
Well......this year i took my $2.50 Wal*Mart poinsettia and trimmed off all the dead leaves .....stuck it in a corner of the dining room and.....i must be honest.....
Forgot about it!!!
.....occasionally ....when i looked at it.....i'd give it a little taste of water......
In my planting frenzy this year ...... i grabbed it potted it in the "good" soil and placed it on the front porch......
Looks like it may survive........Maybe?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hummmmmm....more Stir Fry......
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's a tough job.......
Monday, June 14, 2010
Could this be.......
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Just Sitting.....
Friday, June 11, 2010
What's Happening.......
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Old (?) Friends.......

Did you ever have one of those friends....the kind'a friend ....if you haven't seen or spoken in ....say a can pick up the conversation right where you left off....??
I have one of those kind....and would not trade her for all the lost gold in the Atlantic....
Last night.....after about a year.....we spent an hour and a half on the phone and computer catching-up....!!
As i sat on the front porch....watching the lightening and listening to her read some of her new poems.....i thought to my self ....
"Isn't this Great!!"
She has battled some major health issues and won..!!.....she's back to writing her poetry....!!
We can talk about anything and everything.......depend on each matter how many miles separate us....
We've shared sooo times .....bad times.....and HOT sauce!!
Thanks for always being there.....MO..!!
Love ya!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Another Critter......
One of these lovely little critters was sitting by the Ranger Station backdoor this morning.
An Imperial Moth....
...ain't he pretty...?
It's another beautiful day in the high country.....sooooo....i'm taking this afternoon off ...just for me....I'd like to spend the afternoon with Mother Nature....but...i'll probably spent it with Wally*World......the library.....and grocery shopping....cause i gotta work this weekend.... :(
TGIF........and Enjoy
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
It Might Be Back......
Then i can move on to the 2 memory quilts for my co-worker...the squares are almost done and it's a shouldn't take me long to finish....
Hey ....there's my pressure- canner.....need to use that , too
Here's one of the two "Quilts For Kids" i need to finish...
This one's sandwiched and penned...just need to quilt...and bind....
Here's the other "Quilts For Kids"....tops done....need to do all the rest know....sandwich...pen...quilt....bind....the usual....
And here's all the wonderful stuff i brought home from the shop hop way-back in March.....gott'a do something with this....!!!
Uck-Oh........i feel the mojo leaving again!!
Ps....female child's table runner was made out of her scrap bag, using her own idea of Stacked's now on my table...just hung it on the quilt rack to take pictures.....
I think it's made from a Moda charm pack....Zippity Do-Dah...
and i'm not sure if it's a pattern or her own creation....
but....i don't care about the pattern or the fabric....
She made it for me...!!!....just me!!!
Her Mom ....who taught her the curse of most women early in life...
What ...!!?? don't know about the curse.... goes like this....
"May you grow up to have children just like you"
and she did..!!
My job is done!
Thanks sweetheart.......i love it....