Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mountain Morning......

Early this morning i was drinking coffee on the front porch....sort'a getting ready to go to work....... I realized.....
I "uset'a " endure mornings......there was the mad rush, on work days, cause i'd hit the "snooze alarm" twice ...sometimes three times.....
The dash to the shower.....the layer of makeup......the blow dryer, curling iron and hurricane strength hair spray.......the professional clothes and (ugh) shoes!!!!
The grab for coffee and breakfast......searching the refrig for "lunch"......ugh...nothing....guess it's the cafeteria again today......
The hassle of getting the dogs in and out......forget the cat!! know how mornings are...???!!!!
No "snooze alarm" i'm up with the birds......the shower, it's the same, but no blow dryer, curling iron or hair spray....and makeup..??...i think i still own some....
Jeans, staff t-shirt and sandals......
Coffee and oatmeal on the front porch .... with the little critters perched on the telephone wires...
Dogs and cat....sleeping in the early morning sunshine.....
Yep!! ....i "uset'a i enjoy!!!


  1. You definitely have the life! Enjoy!

  2. Ain't it grand? The rusty years have their dividends don't they!

  3. Yes, over the years I have let a lot if the stressors go.

    When we went to get the hay on Saturday, we took a left on Phillips Gap Rd off of Idlewild. Then the Fairchild's hay is a mile on the left just before you get to the nice barn with the horses.

  4. 'tis good to remember enduring, makes the enjoying much better. Love the entry picture. Mountain Laurel?
    Sherry & Jack

  5. Sure makes me look forward to retirement, lol. I can't wait! I am glad you are enjoying it, because it sounds like a blessing from above, what a peaceful environment! I love your neck of the woods, as I've mentioned. I used to take solo trips by myself up to Skyline Drive all the time much to the dismay of my mother. She was always fearful of me travelling alone. But I just gravitated to the peace and tranquility, and beauty. yes, you are very blessed!

  6. I know what you mean. On work days I endure, On camper days I enjoy. At least in the summertime it is daylight and warmer. It's the winter mornings dark and cold that are very hard to take.

    Have a great Monday!
