Monday, March 19, 2012

This is it.....

...this is what it looks like in my neck of the woods this AM..

Makes me feels like going back to bed and pulling the covers over my head...
instead i've made it to work and found out...
we have another new computer program we must learn before Wednesday...
so far we've found no info or e-mail explaining how to get into or how to work with this 2nd new program....
Maybe as the day unfolds the instructions will appear...!!

Maybe they're waiting for the sun shine and cool spring breezes...
Good Luck!!
Weather gurus are predicting rain...!!

Live in the Moment


  1. I think I would go back to bed if that was the scene that greeted me first thing in the morning :O) Allyx

  2. Good luck with the computer stuff! It's 100% chance of rain here for today and tomorrow, 70% on Wednesday, tapering off to 20% on Thursday. Ponds, rivers and streams are doing a happy dance because they have been very low for a very long time.

  3. Every day is filled with new surprises for us. Hopefully as the fog lifts you'll get the info you need to do what you have to. I think it's to clear out here later on and be another beautiful day. They say that tomorrow the first day of Spring we may be in the 80's. Unbelievable for us in March. Hope your Monday is a great one!

  4. the start of Camping season is being delayed this year due to many other things going on here. Probably won't get there till the first weekend in May.

  5. Well all I can say is I BET the computer program istructions missing is not as frustrating as tha letter from the Hospital costs' etc. hahaha.

    I love to see the pictures of the Mts, no matter the weather!!!!

  6. We had a lot of fog this morning too. And a few scattered showers until about 11.
