Tuesday, February 9, 2010

She's At It Again.....!!

This was the look on Max's face after i jerked the bed sheets out from under him this morning.....
Had to get them in the washing machine....!!

You see......i have a touch of OCD when it comes to approaching snow storms....

The laundry ....... must be done!!

So i rush around the house.......grabbing up sheets....dog blankies.......kitty blankies......people throws....towels........and then the underwear....jeans....khakies.... and shirts......!!

Doing load ..... after load ..... at a frenzied pace.....

Can't be caught in a snow storm with dirty underwear...!!

Stay warm and Enjoy


  1. Oh...kisses to your furry dog's face. I fell in love.

    I understand getting the laundry done prior to winter weather storms. If power goes out, you don't have a way to wash!

  2. LOL then this must be the winter of laundry for you!

    Your pooch is precious!

  3. I just loved the look on Max's face ~ he is adorable ~
    It looks so cold ~ stay safe and keep warm ~ Ally x

  4. He sure did not like you taking his bankie away.

  5. Haha ,that is kind of what my son looks like when i wake him up in the mornings! Poor doggie!

  6. That look on his face is priceless.....

  7. Max's photo gave me a good laugh today along with your post.

  8. Your little guy is too funny...the expression on his face is that of OH NO... It is snowing here and it's coming down pretty heavy. The salt trucks started out on the roads again. Hopefully they'll be fine on my way home. Still 4 more hours of work to go.

  9. Hmmmm
    I don't quite understand why (o:
    Maybe because our Grandmothers had to do it by boiling water and hanging it outside???

  10. Cute entry and it reminded me of when our house was broken into once the first thought in my head was---I'm glad I cleaned house today. lol

  11. Poor Max.......We are getting some snow of our own...ick..stay safe.


  12. Oh your Max looks like my Buzzy. My dog is a Cairn terrier. Linda

  13. Oh your Max looks like my Buzzy. My dog is a Cairn terrier. Linda

  14. Max looks so cute. I always try to get laundry done like that myself. Never know when the power will go out. Helen

  15. Yep , nobdy likes dirty drawers in a snow storm
