Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is this crapola.....??!!

What is this thing the weather gurus are calling a......wintery mix??!!
It's a combination of snow......sleet.....freezing rain.....and just plain old rain.....!!

...Look there's rain and sleet on the landing...

....there's rain.....sleet and ice on the stairs.....

.....there's ice and snow on the cars....

....and looks like more on the way.....

But .... my real questions is........why did blogger bold and underline the last sentence..???
I didn't request a bold or underline.....

And what's the difference between sleet and freezing rain..??!

Stay warm and enjoy

ps.....bold and underline does not show up on post.......what gives here...???!!!
I'm soooooo confused.......


  1. oh my gawd I'm so glad I didn't have coffee in my mouth! I'm laughing so hard. You're hilarious. We know exactly what that is and omg I'm sorry to be laughing my florida @$$ off with you...

  2. Wintery Mix, that's when they really don't have a clue what's going to happen! Blogger has a mind of it's own, we are at it's mercy! Have a great day and be CAREFUL on that ice!

  3. Sounds to me like it's what they say when they don't know for sure. Be careful! That rain/sleet/and stuff can be slippery.

  4. crapola is exactly the right word. I don't mind snow, but that "wintery mix" is downright dangerous. It's a good day to stay home, safe and warm.

  5. Please keep your wintery mix over the pond. I'm now ready for spring mix.
    Jenny <><

  6. YOur confused???? lol
    more coffee needed!!!!! lol

    have a great day ;)

  7. Are those stairs the only way you can get to ground level? If so, YIKES!

    Interesting red underline. Depending on exactly where I scroll it appears and then disappears. No bolding though.

    Our weather guys here are predicting more snow for Friday and Monday. At least they left the weekend out . . .

  8. Last night blogger was giving me problems with underlining too.

  9. LOL - it is a bunch of crapola, isn't it.

  10. sitting here wondering what Spring must be like

  11. sleet falls as frozen pellets, freezing rain falls as rain and then freezes to surfaces if the temp is below 32, welcome to the NC mountains

  12. Would you like it any better if they called it something fun like slow or sneet?

  13. Sleet comes out of the air frozen and rain freeze on the ground after it hits

  14. Okay, not so bad here in South Carolina but I am OFFICIALLY over it! Bring back the warm, DRY weather and some sunshine. After all, that is why I live here!

  15. Well, we have a total whiteout of this crapola coming down right now - and probably heading your way!!! With more to come in the next day or so - aren't we lucky!!! Spring CAN'T be far away!!!!!!!!

  16. If you're gonna get it all, why not all the same day? LOL

  17. Oh man
    those stairs could be a killer in this weather
    your weather (o:
    be careful

  18. OOOOOOOOOOOO Please be careful on those stairs!!


  19. blogger.....gotta love it!!!! ha

    You have such a beautiful view....if you don't have to go out and brave this weather....just kick back and enjoy!!!!

  20. Yep, looks the same here, except no snow. At least not yet. Be careful on the slippery stairs.
