Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pilot Error......

Let me start by writing......i finally got my "code" and my bill was paid...


My "code" was there all the time...
It was hiding in the spam....greymail...unacceptable address...
what ever your e-mail system calls the e-mails it scans and filters...

When i went back to request a "code" for the sixth time...
i finally read the tiny little print at the bottom of the page...

there was the suggestion that if you don't receive your code in a timely manner...
try your spam file..


There they were all five of my "code" request.....


I have learned two things from my "pilot error"

Always check my spam folder
I get a heck of a lot of housework done when i'm frustrated.....angry....upset....or stewing about something....

Live in the Moment


  1. I can quite imagine how you felt finding that in your spam folder...I spend a lot of time looking for things that are right in front of me. I hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one!

  2. Some folk cry but we have something in common: ............
    I get a heck of a lot of housework done when i'm frustrated.....angry....upset....or stewing about something....

    Yes, yes the spam folder hides a multitude of sins, with the possibility of salvation being hid there in.

    I have found a couple things there from Bloggers.

    Watch that Pilot Error, could lose your license.
    Love from down here.

  3. Yep they will throw things in there when you least expect it. Getting a lot done does work when you're frustrated.

  4. I, too, get a lot of housework done when I'm frustrated or upset. Seemed odd but now I know I'm not the only one.

  5. I have had to disable my spam filter for my commenters kept ending up there and I really have very little spam. Gald the mystery is solved.

  6. I've had that happen too. Something simple turns into something complicated. It makes me want to bite nails in frustration. All because I didn't check the spam file first. Lesson learned. Glad you solved your problem.
