Monday, October 7, 2013

Karen..? Bugs..?

I thought i had left all this Tropical Storm nonsense behind me in Florida...
I was hoping to never again hear the phrases...cone of probability or hunker down....
We needed the rain...but...the wind i could have done without...

The moth pictures i've been posting are from a new assortment of winged friends that are hanging around the park office..

So many that there was a "moth study" done at the park this weekend....
it involved a sheet....a bright  light....a camera and a notebook to document all the different types of  bugs....

I just think they're cute...

Everyday is a Gift


  1. I heard on the news that that storm wasn't as bad as they had expected it to be so hopefully you didn't get it as bad as it might have been. That is one colorful moth. Hope your Monday is a wonderful one!

  2. That is one pretty moth. Sure hope you didn't get hit too hard.

  3. I always wonder why moths and butterflies aren't blown to kingdom come, in heavy winds. BUT they seem to hang around.
    Nice picture. I like it.

  4. Hope the storm wasnt as bad there as wasnt here and we thought it was going to be rough. I think the moths are cute too! Have a good Monday.

  5. Glad you are doing okay despite the news weather reports. Lovely moth photo!

  6. Here in High Point, we just got some rain this wind...we need more rain though than what we got this morning....
    Sorry you had to get a ton of wind, but then again, your area always has frightening wind....I was more scared there with the wind than in Pensacola when we lived there....oh, it was before all the big hurricanes, but tropical storms were
    really windy...
    Love from High Point
