Tuesday, February 5, 2013


...finally a few days that the sun will appear in the sky....!!

I don't think Misskitty cares...

Everyday is a Gift


  1. I bet that Miss Kitty will find a spot of sun to lay in when it comes out. They say we may see the sun peep through now and then today. I hope so. But more snow coming our way tonight. It is a little warmer at 29 degrees this morning. I still have to go out and clear the steps off from last nights snow...There is about 10 inches on the ground now. Hope you have a Terrific Tuesday!

  2. Cats do love a spot of sun but if they are warm and comfortable, they don't seem to mind cloudy days at all. Enjoy the pretty snow if not the cold.

  3. I have thought hundreds of times, I wish I could imitate a cat!
    My kind of life!!

    (((HUGS))) from Clermont!!!
