Thursday, March 12, 2009


........the time change and returning to schedule and body has been all out of whack!!

I have been lurking about...out here in cyber-space..... reading your blogs and praying for the illness, unemployment and stress......that has overtaken our lives......i've been making an occasional comment .........but, not my usual chit- chat for everyone...........Sorry!

Maybe.......I can get back in the sewing room this weekend.....nope!...gott'a work this weekend!! well............maybe soon.........i'm trying to work on a "quilt as you go" Chinese Coin quilt......wish me luck!


  1. Work does have a way of taking over and changing things for sure. I hope your Thursday is a great one!
    'On Ya'-ma

  2. I hope you get adjusted to your schedule very soon.

  3. Just think in two weeks you'll be on a mini vacation!!!

  4. Max has the right idea. I should follow suit.

    My vision is still blurry from just waking up... I thought you wrote that you were doing a "quit" as you go ... that just didn't make any sense.

    But yeah, I agree with max.

  5. I know what you mean, LindaMay! Don't think it's just you; I've been tired allll week. The kids on the bus are feeling it too! They're trying to sleep on the bus in the mornings, and they're elementary kids; they're usually W-I-D-E awake in the mornings! :-)

    Surely we'll all get back to "normal" soon. :-)

  6. Hope you adjust soon - work does take over, doesn't it!
    Have a great day!

  7. My schedule is actually getting better with the time change. I was out of whack all winter. I hate you have to work over the weekend, but its supposed to rain anyway and that means stuck indoors whether at home or at work. Try and have a good weekend anyway. Hugs, Kelly

  8. Hope you will get adjusted soon...and the puppy too. Enjoy the vacation and have a safe trip!

  9. I'm where you are. This DST has really threw me for a loop. Hope you adjust soon. Hugs..

  10. I not only wish you luck on your quilt as you go Chinese coin quilt, but look forward to some info on how you are going to do it.I am doing something I call quilt as you go string blocks and love the looks of the chinese coin quilts so might do one that way too
