I thought long and hard about writing this post.....cause i don't want to sound like an unamerican American.....
But....yesterday i felt like a hostage to big business....
And it gave me a very uneasy feeling about greed in this country...
Here's what happened.....
Several weeks ago, a friend gave some info on a mail-order drug company located in the country north of us.....cause she knew i was only taking 1/2 of my asthma meds daily....the cost is $159.87 a month....so i try to make it last for two months....got the picture....??
I place a call to this company for some information on the price of this med....
Ring......Ring.....Good Morning this M.... at C....M..., how can i help you...?
I would like some information on the asthma drug Serevent Diskus.....
Ok....what would you like to know?
What is the cost of a monthly prescription...?
Well....the name brand is $69.53 a month.....
What..!!!!....that's less than half of what i'm
paying now....!!
Or you could get the generic for $24.99....
What ....!!!!....there's a generic!!....i have been told for a least 15 years.......
i've been taking this for a least that long......that there was no generic available.....!!
Yes...there is a generic.....but it is not available in the USA......
Can i get this thru your company ...even though i live in North Carolina...?
Yes...all we need is a written Rx from a licensed Doctor....you could also get a 3 month supply for $74.82 with free shipping......
Needless to say.....i closed the deal and my meds are on the way....
My question is .....WHY????......and don't gave me the line about FDA approval.....Generic is the same as name brand...without all the fancy packageing.....right...???
I've been taking generic meds for a lifetime......!!
Why....?? Was i paying $134.98 more a month than our neighbors to the north.....???
Aren't we "suppose" to have the "best" health care in the world....???
Somebody ...please....explain this to me.......
My crystal ball seems to be stuck....it keeps coming up with "Big Business Greed"
Thanks for letting me vent....and if i've offended anyone.....I'm Sorry...
But...i had to get it out of my system....!!