Friday, November 21, 2008

Front porch ....back door!!

Lately the weather has played a big part in my daily life......well, once again Mother Nature took over my day!!! Woke up today with 3" on the ground, temps in the teens, no wind and more snow on the way!
Now the decision of the day.......go to work?.......not go to work?!!! No traffic on our road....hummmmmmmm......finally at about 7:30am.....a truck!!!! Hey, he seems to be driving OK......i'll wait till it's a little lighter, then try!! Called the mountain.....told the rangers if i'm not there in 45 minutes...send out the rescue squad!!! Off i go!!
Made it all of a that mile had nothing but snow covered mountain man, in a little car, that almost side-swiped me......and many, many horses and cows giving me that "turn back, my friend!" look........when i hit the ice, i found a semi-clear driveway and took the animals ....those critters!!
Be careful out there.....I can't say it enough.....if you're out in this nasty stuff.....BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!!!
On a brighter note.......thanks to Joan and Hollie for my Marie Anntoinette (sp) Award.......i'm not sure what to do with it at this point....but, now i've got alll day to figure it out!!!
Have a great day.......i'm staying in...where it's nice and warm!!!


  1. I was told it snowed a little bit here this morning too but I guess I slept through it.

    Enjoy your snowy day!

  2. We had some snow here this morning ~ but not as much as you have ~ with weather like that you need to stay at home ~ Ally x

  3. Oh I'm late today am third not first. Think you did the right thing staying where you are in the warm. We are forecast snow over the weekend north of here is a bit of a mess with roads closed but it does not take very much of the white stuff to cause chaos. LOve Joan

  4. Well, I best not say too much. We were a bit chilled when we arose at 6:30 this a.m. My reaction to icy roads would be exactly the same as yours. I probably wouldn't have even tried to venture forth. I'll raise a cup o' cocoa to you this afternoon.

  5. The boys will be sooo jealous. Now that I know you are home today, I can call for advice about my bindings. =)

  6. Oh what some beautiful pictures! It looks like a winter wonderland...I hope you enjoyed your day at home today!

  7. great pictures!! you were wise to turn around and go back home; safe traveling is so important on those slick icy roads for sure!


  8. Yuck, too much snow for me.
    Jenny <><
