Saturday, January 23, 2010

I think I can.....

I think i can see the road...!!

Looks like an inside day to me!



  1. Wow. Definitely an inside day.

    Fog has lifted here, replaced by rain. They are calling for thunderstorms of all things!

  2. Oh, I probably shouldn't say this, but, here in Western NY State, it is a bright, sunshiny day. It's 25 F right now, but it is supposed to get into the low 40's later in the day. If I can just get a little more melt, I may be able to go out and do a mid-winter clearing of the discarded sunflower seed shells under the bird feeder.

  3. That is some thick fog for sure. I'd stay in too. No fog here, but I'm staying in anyway. Have a great Saturday.

  4. We have an inside day today too. The weather, well it's something else. We are having a huge storm with another one hitting us again on Sunday. I'm smiling though because it means a whole lot of quilting getting done. Hugs

  5. It's an inside day for me here. It is cloudy with a brisk wind blowing. Thunderstorms are called for tomorrow. Helen

  6. Yep, it looks like a great day for a lock~in and some warm fuzzies. We have an ice storm predicted for Wed~Fri here in the Ozarks. Uck, I sure hope their wrong this time.

    Take care, stay safe and ya'll have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

  7. Oh, yes! That fog says stay off the roads. Enjoy your day.

  8. It was an inside day for me too - rainy and gloomy. But I loved being able to spend the day in the sewing room just puttering, not really accomplishing much. blessings, marlene

  9. You've got to be running out of inside projects!
